Fort of the Damned Lighting Lantern

Sea of Thieves

Fate of the Damned Week 4 Challenge Guide—Defeat the Damned!

updated as needed

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Larinna has just posted the final Fate of the Damned challenge for any pirate daring enough to attempt it!

The Defeat the Damned! challenge will put your Festival of the Damned knowledge to the test. You will be taking on the Ghost of Graymarrow, collecting every Flame of Fate, raiding the Fort of the Damned and much more all while making a few friends along the way.

If this is the last challenge you need to complete, you will unlock the elusive Supreme Fated Slayer title once you’ve done so. Pirate Legends have the extra bonus of unlocking the Soulflame Crew Set!

You have until December 9th, 2020 to complete this challenge as well as the previous three challenges. No need to worry if you are not able to collect the entire Soulflame cosmetic set before the event ends. These cosmetics will be available from the Pirate Legend Hideout after the event is over.

If you still need to complete the first three challenges, we have guides for each to help you complete their goals. You can find all three guides on our Fate of the Damned update landing page here.

Time to show Larinna that you are a worthy Bilge Rat! Scroll down and we will walk you through each goal and how to achieve them for Defeat the Damned!

We also have a video walkthrough that will take you visually through each goal in the challenge. If you’d rather follow along that way, you can check out the video below:

YouTube video

Defeat the Damned!

Bust out the instruments and raise that Alliance flag. You’ll need to form an Alliance to complete a few of the goals in the latest Festival of the Damned challenge. You’ll also need to decorate your ship with each Flame of Fate, locate more missing Bilge Rats and teach the Ghost of Graymarrow a thing or two!

A Rite of Passage

You or one of your crew must use a Ritual Skull to begin a battle at the Fort of the Damned.

To complete this goal you or one of your crew must activate the Fort of the Damned. There is another goal in this challenge, We Fort Together, which requires you to complete the Fort of the Damned in an Alliance.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to knock both these goals out at the same time if possible. If you do start the Fort of the Damned in an Alliance, make sure your crew is the one to place the ritual skull on the headless skeleton in the cage. This way you will get credit for A Rite of Passage.

To activate the Fort of the Damned, you will need to first collect one Ritual skull and light all six Ferryman statues with the correct Flames of Fate.

How to get a Ritual Skull?

There are plenty of ways for you to get your hands on a Ritual Skull these days. From voyages to World Events, you shouldn’t have a problem with this part of the goal.

Skull Stash Voyage

For starters, you can purchase the Skull Stash Voyage from Larinna for 40 doubloons. You can only purchase this voyage once per month though. If you have already bought and used this voyage then you’ll have to find a Ritual Skull another way.

If you can use this method, vote on the voyage and you’ll be given a X Marks the Spot quest that leads to an Outpost where the Ritual Skull will be buried.

Fate of the Damned Voyage

The second easiest way to get a Ritual Skull is also the cheapest. For zero coin, you can purchase one of the three Fate of the Damned voyages that Larinna is selling.

This voyage will end with you defeating the Ghost of Graymarrow. Upon his death, the Ghost of Graymarrow will drop a Ritual Skull that can be used to activate the Fort of the Damned.

World Events

Other guaranteed methods of getting a Ritual Skull are defeating the Captain Ship during a Skeleton Fleet World Event or defeating an Ashen Lord. Each World Event will drop at least one Ritual Skull when the event is completed.

Ritual Skull

How to light the Ferryman statues?

The Fort of the Damned can only be activated if all six Ferryman statues in the fort are lit. Each must be lit with their corresponding Flame of Fate. If the statues have not been lit for you already, then you’ll have to collect the Flames of Fate yourself.

Fate of the Damned Voyage

A simple way to collect each Flame of Fate without a trip to the Ferry of the Damned is to complete the three different Fate of the Damned. These voyages are available through Larinna’s Black Market.

Each voyage will give you the opportunity to easily collect two different Flames of Fate. Completing all three voyages can result in you obtaining all six colors.

The Search for Wild, Plentiful Shadows of Fate will allow you to collect the green and purple Flames of Fate.

The Hunt for Hidden, Ancient Shadows of Fate will allow you to collect the white and blue Flames of Fate.

In Pursuit of Prowling, Devilish Shadows of Fate will allow you to collect the red and pink Flames of Fate.

Well of Fates

If you would rather collect the Flames of Fate the old school way, you’ll be heading to the Ferry of the Damned a minimum of six times. You will need to die in a specific manner and collect the resulting Flame of Fate from the Well of Fates until you have all six possible colors.

You can always check out our guide here that will show you the methods to collecting each of the six Flames of Fate. It will guide you through how you need to die and what color you will receive upon death.

Flames of Fate
Click the image to visit the guide!

Once you have your Ritual Skull and Flames of Fate you can activate the Fort of the Damned. Walk on up to the main tower of the island, light the Ferryman statues and place the Ritual Skull on the headless skeleton in the cage.

You can read up on how exactly to activate the fort and other tips in our Fort of the Damned guide here.

Fort of the Damned
Click the image to visit the guide!

From Beyond the Grave

You or your crew must defeat Lord Graymarrow (or his ghost) 5 times, anywhere on the seas.

Lord Graymarrow can now be defeated through several different means. The easiest way to defeat Graymarrow is by completing one of the new Fate of the Damned voyages.

If you are looking for more of a challenge, you can also defeat him at the Fort of the Damned or during The Revenge of the Morningstar Tall Tale.

Fate of the Damned Voyage

Larinna is selling three different Fate of the Damned voyages. Each voyage ends with an encounter against the Ghost of Graymarrow. The Ghost of Graymarrow that appears in these voyages have significantly less health than the Fort of the Damned and Tall Tale versions Graymarrow. He also does less damage!

If you are looking to knock this goal out quickly, completing the Fate of the Damned voyages multiple times will be the easiest way to do so.

You also have to complete each of these three voyages for a different goal in this challenge, Voyages of the Damned, so you’ll have defeated three of the five Graymarrows by doing working on that goal.

Fort of the Damned

Since you need to complete the Fort of the Damned at least once during this challenge it might be worth it to save one of your Graymarrow defeats for the Fort of the Damned.

This version of Graymarrow has lots of health and can be extremely difficult to defeat. To make it more manageable, lots of veteran pirates lure the Ghost of Graymarrow down to the docks of the fort and utilize their ship’s cannons against him.

The Revenge of the Morningstar

If you are looking to experience some lore, you can always face off against Lord Graymarrow during The Revenge of the Morningstar Tall Tale. This version of Graymarrow is also very difficult to defeat and will take plenty of resources to be victorious.

No matter which version of Graymarrow you kill, all will count towards this goal.

Ghost of Graymarrow

Voyages of the Damned

Help the Bilge Rats and complete each of Larinna’s Fate of the Damned Voyages at least once.

Larinna is now selling three different Fate of the Damned voyages. These voyages will have you sailing from island to island in their respective regions hunting down lost Bilge Rats.

At the end of each you will face off against the mighty Ghost of Graymarrow. Upon his defeat, he will drop a Ritual Skull you can use to activate the Fort of the Damned.

We have a guide for each voyage that will walk you through step-by-step below:

Fate of the Damned Week 1 Voyage Guide

During The Search for Wild, Plentiful Shadows of Fate you will help Duke find his special grog, hunt down Bilge Rats and defeat the Ghost of Graymarrow. This voyage will also allow you to collect the green and purple Flames of Fate.

Fate of the Damned
Click the image to visit the guide!

Fate of the Damned Week 2 Voyage Guide

During The The Hunt for Hidden, Ancient Shadows of Fate you will help Merrick find Old Stompy, locate missing Bilge Rats and send the Ghost of Graymarrow back to the Sea of the Damned. You will also be able to collect the white and blue Flames of Fate during this voyage.

White Lantern
Click the image to visit the guide!

Fate of the Damned Week 3 Voyage Guide

During In Pursuit of Prowling, Devilish Shadows of Fate you will find a clue in a wreck, discover Bilge Rat remains and stop a ritual bringing Shadows of Fate into the Sea of Thieves. This voyage will also provide an easy way to collect the red and pink Flames of Fate.

The Devil's Roar
Click the image to visit the guide!

Mix ‘n’ Match

Be part of an Alliance where all ships have their lanterns lit with the same colored Flames of Fate.

You only need to be in an Alliance with one other ship to complete this goal and it would probably be easiest that way too.

How to form an Alliance

Once you find a willing participate, formally create an Alliance using your Ship Flag Box. Climb up the main mast of your ship and you’ll find it there. Open it up and raise your Offer Alliance flag. The other ship looking to join will need to go to their Ship Flag Box on their ship and raise the Join Alliance flag.

If they raised their Offer Alliance flag first, you will need to raise your Join Alliance flag on your ship.

Once you do find a partner ship and form an Alliance, grab one of the six Flames of Fate with your lantern. You’ll then set all the lanterns on your ship and your alliance’s ship to be the color you chose. Anyone in the Alliance can do this and it will still count.

Though if the default flame color is used it will not count towards the goal. As soon as all lanterns on each ship are the same color Flame of Fate, this goal will be complete.

If you or your Alliance don’t yet have any Flames of Fate for the goal, the pink Flame of Fate would be easiest to collect and use. Just have someone from the Alliance send you to the Ferry of the Damned and collect the pink flame from the Well of Fates. Light your newly acquired pink flame in every lantern on your ship and your Alliance’s ship and the goal will be complete.

Set Lantern Flame Pink

We Fort Together

Complete the Fort of the Damned while your ship is part of an Alliance.

This goal requires you being in an alliance, on the Fort of the Damned, when the Fort of the Damned is completed. The Fort of the Damned is officially complete when the vault is opened.

How to form an Alliance

Once you find a friendly ship, formally create an Alliance using your ship’s Flag Box. Climb up the main mast of your ship and open your Ship Flag Box. You’ll find an option to raise your Offer Alliance flag. The other ship looking to join will need to go to their Ship Flag Box on their ship and raise the Join Alliance flag.

If the ship you are looking to join an alliance with has already raised their Offer Alliance flag, you will need to raise your Join Alliance flag.

Some strategies to finding a friendly ship would to be pointing all your cannons in the sky and playing musical instruments as you approach your potential friend. It’s not a guaranteed method in finding peaceful pirates but it helps conveying your desires as you approach another ship.

How to complete the Fort of the Damned

When you have your Alliance go ahead and start your assault on the Fort of the Damned. You can join in an alliance in the middle of the fight and it will still count for the goal. Just make sure you are on the island, in an Alliance, when the vault to the fort is opened.

It doesn’t matter who gets the final blow on Graymarrow or which crew opens the vault, as long as at least one representative from each crew is on the island when the vault door is opened, you will complete this goal.

Back-up Plan

If you and your Alliance are unable to complete a Fort of the Damned without being thwarted, you can always try hiding on the island while another crew completes the fort.

As we mentioned, as long as you are in an Alliance and on the Fort of the Damned when the fort’s vault door is opened, you will get credit for this goal.

Fort of the Damned Key

A Fate-Full Journey

Fight for your light to party! Sail on your ship when it’s decked out with all six Flames of Fate.

To complete this goal you will need to have each of the six different colors lit in your ship’s lanterns all at once.

As you go through the Fate of the Damned voyages, activate the Fort of the Damned and travel to the Ferry of the Damned, you’ll want to save each Flame of Fate you collect along the way.

You save your Flame of Fate by setting a lantern on ship with the Flame in your lantern. Walk up to one of your ship’s lanterns with your lantern out, lift your lantern and set the lantern flame. Make sure to not accidentally set a new Flame of Fate over one you still need to have all six different colors.

Once you have one of each color represented on your ship with the ship’s lanterns, you will complete this goal.

Hooray! The final Fate of the Damed challenge is now complete! If you have completed all four challenges you will have unlocked all the Soulflame weapons and the elusive title.

For you Pirate Legends, the new Soulflame costume will be available to you to show off!

To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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