Skin of Gold

Sea of Thieves

How to solve Puzzle 1: Skin of Gold

updated as needed

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UPDATE: If you are working on Puzzle 2, head here! If you are working on Puzzle 3, head here!

Stage 1 of the Mystery has begun, and the first Puzzle is now available for all pirates to solve! Head to the official Sea of Thieves website to sign up and get started. Once signed up, you can work on the first Puzzle: Skin of Gold. Solving the Puzzle online will allow you to claim an in-game Voyage from Larinna at any Outpost and work on the next part of the Mystery.

Puzzle 1: Skin of Gold

The Letter

Each Stage of the Mystery begins with a Puzzle for you to solve, and each Puzzle starts with a letter delivered to the Gold Hoarders. The Gold Hoarders have opened the first letter, which reads:

I trust you’ve seen my rules are SHAPED for Hoarders at their heart.
Just DON’T use COMMON PIRATES in your stead, and we can start!

First think of health and what you need to keep you fighting fit.
And FOODS that help survive both shot from gun and cutlass hit.
But there’s a DARK side to what we eat when time and life collude.
Old it becomes and rotten too, with scent of death imbued.

You must check in all the TIME. What if it’s now no good?
Be it PIG in PEN or FRUIT that’s stored in tuneless DRUMS of wood.
PICTURES paint a thousand WORDS – or so some artists say.
You must seek to LINK the two. Now hurry on your way!

Puzzle One Letter

With the clues given inside the letter, you can now scour the internet for the answers. You are ultimately looking for a code to submit on the official Sea of Thieves website. Entering the correct code will unlock the in-game Voyage and allow you to work on the next part of the Mystery.

The first part of the internet you will be investigating is Instagram!

The Bruised Banana

One minute after the Mystery started, the official Sea of Thieves Instagram account posted a story featuring a bruised banana. The bruising created an image of the Gold Hoarder.

The bruised banana art led pirates to another Instagram account, Banana Bruiser, that specialized in bruised banana art. One of their posts features the Gold Hoarder banana and shows Banana Bruiser bruising 13 symbols into the banana.

As hinted at in the letter with the capital words “PIG,” “PEN,” and “FRUIT,” you can put these symbols into a Pigpen Cipher decryption tool to reveal the text bitlysotfruit.

The Link

Using a Pigpen Cipher on the bruised symbols from the banana you can create this link:

The link will take you to a OneDrive with five images named from the fruit in the Sea of Thieves.

The Fruit

In the OneDrive are five images with more Pigpen Ciphers to decode. You’ll need to connect the split symbols and rotate them correctly to create the symbols. You’ll want to match their orientation to the Fruit Crate that was posted by the official Sea of Thieves Twitter account.

Fruit Crate

Once you have rotated and revealed the correct symbols, plug them into the Pigpen Cipher to reveal the following decoded letters:

  • Banana = HKD
  • Coconut = BNR
  • Pomegranate = ASL
  • Mango = DTI
  • Pineapple = JJYG

With the Pigpen Cipher solved, it’s time to figure out the other puzzle in the fruit images.

Take note of the Spotify symbol found on each parchment. That’s where you will be heading next!

The Spotify Clips

Scanning any of the Spotify codes from the fruit images with your mobile phone will send you to the official Sea of Thieves Spotify account in the Spotify app. Listening to songs in the app will allow you to watch a small clip play alongside them.

Hidden in the small clips for specific songs on Spotify, you can find the letters “B,” “O,” “U,” “N,” “T,” and “Y.” Which, when put together, spell the word BOUNTY.

The songs with the clips and letters are:

Again, you must listen to the songs on your mobile device to see the clips with the letters.

The Vigenère Cipher

The next step is to use the solutions from the Pigpen Ciphers and the word from Spotify you’ve discovered together to form the code.

While many pirates were already trying to use a Vigenère Cipher to decrypt the decoded fruit letters, a Twitter post from the official Sea of Thieves account confirmed that the community was on the right track! You see, the Ship’s Crest has the word RIPEGREENCHIVE on it which is an anagram for VIGENERECIPHER.


Entering the decided fruit letters with the key BOUNTY into a Vigenère Cipher will give you the final code. However, the order of the decoded fruit letters in important!

You need to order of the letter segments for each fruit in alphabetical order. Putting the letters into the correct order will give you ASLBNRDTIHKDJJYG.

Now, plugin ASLBNRDTIHKDJJYG with the key BOUNTY into the Vigenère Cipher, and you will get ZEROUTCFOURFIVET.

You can then translate ZEROUTCFOURFIVET into the code 0UTC45T to reveal the the answer to the Puzzle!

What is the code to the puzzle?

The code to the puzzle is: 0UTC45T.

That’s the number zero, capital U, capital T, capital C, the number four, the number five, and capital T.

What's next?

Now that you have solved the Puzzle, it’s time to jump into the Sea of Thieves and claim your in-game Voyage from Larinna. Completing the Voyage will end Stage 1, and you will be ready for Stage 2 to commence!

If you need any help with the Voyage, we’ll be updating our guide for it as we go along here: The Hunt for the Plated Silver Key Voyage.

The Hoarder's Hunt

To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

Follow Along

To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

Want to keep a weather eye out?

Jot down yer email, and we’ll be sure to let ye know when there’s something new on the horizon.

228 thoughts on “How to solve Puzzle 1: Skin of Gold in Sea of Thieves”

    1. Amir Abdollahi

      As soon as we know! Like we mentioned, no one has solved the Puzzle yet. We are working on it with the rest of you and sharing our findings as we go 🙂

      1. thank you seafriend theres some pirates we never use socialmedia at all never so imposible is a great word to say ill never answer the first riddle but too easy to find the key..i hope rare be aware of that on the next again thanks to every one to resolve the puzzle

  1. wait, is the cipher key the one on the wikipedia page? how do i find the key for the banana part, so I can work out the fruit pictures part?

    1. R1__GamingTTV

      On the sea of thieves official website there is a photo with someone’s face crossed out i believe it could be Humphrey the gold hoarder.

  2. My group figured we need to rotate the images to get the fruit orientation correct before doing the cipher, which gave us the different result of dkh pnb asl itd llxi

    1. Amir Abdollahi

      Oh okay, interesting! We’ll add that to the section about the fruit for other pirates to easily see. We’ll find out the correct way once we know where to use it!

      1. your solution to the fruit cipher is incorrect, the second way you have them listed is the only orientation that matches the fruit crate, and it is impossible to get GYJJ on pineapple

      2. The coconut is flipped Vertically so you have to flip its cipher texts and the pineapple is rotated and flipped vertically. You can confirm by comparing the small details on the fruit on the images and the crate. So the actually solution is

        Banana = DKH

        Coconut – BNR

        Pomegranate – ASL

        Mango – ITD

        Pineapple – GYJJ

        1. This is what I got too. Really not sure what to do with that though. I even played with the orientation of the fruit being the orientation of the letters. Here’s what I have along with a quick explanation at the top of the following for others wondering how we arrived at our letters:

          Decoded Pigpen by fruit order shown on crate:
          DKH – Right Side (banana – rotate 180 degrees)
          BNR – Left Side (coconut – transpose horizontal)
          ASL – Right Side (pomegranate – no change)
          ITD – Bottom Side (mango – rotate 270 degrees)
          GYJJ – Right Side (pineapple – transpose horizontal)

          Raw Concatenation:

          Backwards Right Sides – Mango Top Down:

          Backwards Rights Sides – Mango Down Top:

          Backwards Left Sides – Mango Top Down:

          Backwards Left Sides – Mango Down Top:

          I’ve tried each of these codes for the solution but none are correct. I’m happy to entertain any suggestions as for what to try next.

          1. They almost look like the old cheat codes for the zelda game and zelda just came out today

        1. I thought that too. However, LL isn’t s proper Roman numeral because “C” makes 100. Therefore 50 + 50 (L+L) doesn’t exist.

  3. Perhaps Bounty doesn’t lead to another website, maybe it is a cipher. I’ve already tried base 26, I’m busy so I can’t commit to trial and error.

  4. Maybe we hit a roadblock because in the letter it says something about Time, maybe new information is getting released over time?

  5. So is the coconut one PNB or BNR?
    The coconut is mirrored so I’m not sure and both solutions are one here

      1. I rotated all the symbols and found 8 possible combinations for the pigpen solution but none of them make sense and look just random letters, maybe we need to shuffle the letters in some order to get what we want. I did the cross symbols puting the letters clockwise, but if you change the initial spot of the cross you get other 8 codes, i didnt triend to do counter clockwise but you can get different combinations.

    1. This seems very important, but I don’t understand how do this part. Can anyone confirm? Is HAROLD PLANK WALK the important clue?

    2. I’m curious if Captain Kidd’s Kids (1919) is somehow related, based on this clue. The film stars Harold Lloyd and, in it, his character is forced to walk the plank.

  6. From the sound of the initial message I could have sworn we’d be using a ROT cipher, but I guess it would have been capitalized like PIG PEN if that were the case. Running out of ideas at this point.

  7. Reaper_Socius

    The word bounty is only rarely used when in sot unless it configured to the order of souls… or one other thing.
    The Reapers Bounty chest.
    And it just so happens that sot released a picture of one/ mentioned it in the “Season 9 The Journey So Far…”
    “880,000 Reapers Chests and Bounties Sold ”
    maybe something in the picture will lead us to the next clue
    as it says
    “Pictures paint a thousand words”

      1. i would like to mention the dice in the photo being 4 not too sure what this could mean possibly something important to season 4, or the shores of gold tall tales 4, maybe the 4th journal in the shores of gold tall tale

        1. In the picture by the Dice is a x scratched into the table, I do believe without checking X4 is the shores of gold island too

    1. that’s what I was thinking. it’s also the only number in the photo that isn’t abbreviated other than the chest of fortunes.

      1. thinking about it didn’t the shores of gold have 4 vaults? isnt there also 4 bosses in the shores of gold tall tale. each vault required the right 4 blocks.

    2. There are symbols on the reaper’s bounty chest, one of them looks like it could be pigpen and the other one I don’t know.

      1. Labcoat Cactus

        They appear to be an unknown skeleton rune and another skeleton rune meaning ‘gold’ but I’m not sure how to link that to the info we currently have.

  8. Not sure if it has been mentioned but the code is a 30 character limit, if that narrows it down at all.

  9. Been throwing “DKHPNBASLITDLLXI” through a bunch of key-based cyphers, using “bounty” as the key, and I’m coming up with jibberish that might have an answer, but no telling if that’s the case.

  10. Kyle Famlonga

    If you use the pigpen cipher on ‘DKHBNRASLITDGYJJ’, you get ‘FORTOFORTUNE’. Could lead to something to do with those?

    1. Kyle Famlonga

      Edit: The phrase ‘FORTOFORTUNE’ actually comes from the string of letters with LLXI at the end. The phrase with the new string of letters is ‘EASTMOSTPENINSULA’. It has something to do with the Devil’s Roar, maybe Morrow’s peak Outpost?

      1. Kyle Famlonga

        Edit: All the possible codes have been decrypted using the PIGPEN code:


        I hope this information helps in the community’s effort to find the first keyword.

        1. Forgotten isle and mausoleum could refer to the uncharted isle at N13? And the temple underneath the water?

  11. Vigienere cypher might work for “DKHBNRASLITDGYJJ”. Using “BOUNTY” as the key word results in nothing, but when running with 4-6 character length keys on, you get some results somewhat resembling words. Idk if this will actually be fruitful though.

  12. What if the pineapple code, LLXI, is roman numerals or something also because it says that is can regen to full health, you know. But I’m not just just an idea.

  13. In the bottom of the letter it says You Must Seek To Link the Two. What if it is talking about bounty and the fruit code

  14. The compass points south (S) and the dice are on 4 (1 and 3) has anyone tried running the pigpen Cypher through a shift Cypher of either S=4 (12) or S=13 (21)

    1. above the gold hoarders on Port Merrick there is an open book showing a kraken and 3 dice on a table 6, 3, 1

  15. Not sure if i’m on the right path here. But if you take the last LLXI for pineapple has a hint for roman numerals, and take the healing values for all the other fruits and convert those to roman numerals you get XXXXXXLLC. Replace the XXXXXX with bounty and you get bountyLLC which the “LINK” between the two could be the page on linkedin which is a maritime transportation company but I can’t find anything else from this

    1. I like this theory but I also came to a dead end when trying to see if there was more. clicking the show me location on the LinkedIn page brings you to the address for the business. the map doesn’t show anything for Bounty LLC but the building has a marking for Davinci. that made me excited but nothing seemed to come of that. even tried APPLE on the sea of thieves page for the code hahaha.

      My only other thought for the inclusion of the word LINK was the sea of thieves official Linktree page. but also came up with nothing there. and don’t know how bounty or the fruit code would even connect. there is a documentary on the linktree i have not yet had a chance to watch but it is a little over an hour long. at a skim nothing jumped out at me.

  16. be interesting if bounty just referred to one of those twitter Sunday-Vibes videos of islands like sailor’s bounty they post every so often.

    1. FeertheRabbit

      I just stopped by Sailors bounty (above and below ground) checking for anything different than it was earlier this week. No differences that I can readily report. Performed about 5 minutes of exploratory digging around the islands as well. Checked to see if I could replicate the spot where the fruit crate was pictured.

  17. I realized that if you look at the images from afar, they seem to have a strange background. What if the background is sharpened?

  18. I put DKHBNRASLITDGYJJ on the end of a link and it took me to a youtube video by Natasha St-Pier called Tu trouveras. The song title translates to YOU WILL FIND but I tried YOU WILL FIND BOUNTY and BOUNTY YOU WILL FIND as the code and neither worked. So I guess “linking the two” is a bit more complicated than just the word BOUNTY and the Fruit code. Or maybe I just got a lucky link and it has nothing to do with it.

    1. I also want to point out that putting a + at the end of the bitly link shows it was made May 11 . . .

      1. Anyone can purchase a quote though so I would not trust anything that was created one hour past the launch date

  19. Leaves us with Time – Drums – Link from this sequence and deciphering the fruitcrate symbols (DKH PNB ASL ITD GYJJ).

    1. drums, i think k = Spotify tunes. What about SHAPE ? Looking at the picture of the letter , we can see a coin image on a book pointing down (triangle shape ) , but on their inta page, it pointing in another direction. The compass is showing south , and dice = 3 . There’s also LINK

      1. LINK, Isn’t that the main character in Legend of zela. Don’t they have a new game out today . SOT Twitter also mentions not sheding a tear if you in another kingdom today. Could the island is from be the location ?

    1. Odin the High One

      I also decoded it like that but considering we read book pages from top to bottom… IDT makes more sense

  20. SaggingShrimp

    There was a character called Bounty Bass in one of the old Donkey Kong games I believe. No clue if this is at all related but thought I’d bring it up

  21. To decrypt this string “DKH BNR ASL ITD GYJJ”, you must use the Vigener cipher with the “bounty” key.

    The Vigener cipher works as follows: each plaintext character is replaced with a ciphertext character using a table that depends on the current position in the keyword. For encryption and decryption, the Vigener table is used, which is a table in which the letters of the alphabet are repeated cyclically.

    To decrypt this string, you first need to translate it into uppercase so that it matches the key. Then the following formula is used for each letter of the string:

    decrypted letter = (encrypted letter – key letter + 26) %26 + ‘A’

    Where ‘A’ is the code of the first letter of the alphabet (65 in ASCII), and ‘%’ denotes the operation of taking the remainder.

    Applying this formula sequentially to each letter of the string and the key, we get the decrypted text: “THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS”.

    1. Reinhard Schürer

      Wong the output of this is CWNOUTZERVAFFKPW

      There is no way that the decrypted msg has a different number of characters when you use this cipher

  22. To decrypt “DKH BNR ASL ITD GYJJstring, you must use the Vigener cipher with the “bounty” key.

    The Vigener cipher works as follows: each plaintext character is replaced with a ciphertext character using a table that depends on the current position in the keyword. For encryption and decryption, the Vigener table is used, which is a table in which the letters of the alphabet are repeated cyclically.

    To decrypt this string, you first need to translate it into uppercase so that it matches the key. Then the following formula is used for each letter of the string:

    decrypted letter = (encrypted letter – key letter + 26) %26 + ‘A’

    Where ‘A’ is the code of the first letter of the alphabet (65 in ASCII), and ‘%’ denotes the operation of taking the remainder.

    Applying this formula sequentially to each letter of the string and the key, we get the decrypted text: “THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS”.

    1. Hope This Helps

      I just thought you should know the description for the Auburn Fox is “If you have lazy dogs aboard, these quick brown foxes may try to jump over them.”

    2. Hope This Helps

      The Auburn Fox description is “If you have lazy dogs aboard, these quick brown foxes may try to jump over them.”

  23. If the code is translated into a link, it redirects to the given song “Natasha St-Pier – Tu trouveras”. There is a line in the song “in my songs you will find”. I have reviewed most of the songs, the most relevant, which is called “survival instinct”, refers to the wreck of June 14, 1931 ship.
    Here’s wiki:

    More than 500 people drowned in the capsizing of a French tour boat, the Saint-Philibert, when it was toppled in a gale while returning to Nantes from the Île de Noirmoutier. On departure from Nantes, the boat was carrying 467 adult passengers, a seven member crew, and an unknown number of children who were accompanying their families for the excursion. The overloaded Saint-Philibert sank in the Loire river within sight of Saint-Nazaire, and only eight people survived.

      1. this was created one hour past the official launch so that is most definitely not an official SOT content

  24. do you know if the code is only one phrase because I am wathing a sea of thieves livestream at the moment and I saw the word “BRB” and someone told the chat he solved the puzzle.I do not know if it is a prank or not.

  25. ArcadianQuill74

    try reversing the fruit code also the banana bruiser has a pig pen symbols on it and you have to look at them to first symbols to the last i got UITLYSOTTFR

  26. Has anyone thought that it could be totally different and somewhat Zelda related? The new coin looks like the triforce, one of the zelda games has a recipe for a roasted banana, there is a ‘Dark’ version of link, and so many other connections and also the ‘link’ between it all could be the hero Link, no idea where I was going with this but just thought

      1. Trashpandanijet

        This may be far fetched…but….what if TIME and LINK are iron?….you have to constantly check the iron the entire time, if it is taken out to early its bad, if its taken out to late its bad…you also have to quench at the right moment…and iron can “LINK” together…check out the Golden Bananas quest video…. They are making the Golden Bananas out of iron….AND make sure to read the story on that page by the videos….thoughts?

  27. now that we have the word Bounty figured out and seem to be at a dead end… has anyone sailed to sailors BOUNTY in game and searched for any clues??

    1. My current guesses…

  28. I also thought maybe it could be an anagram of some sort? Maybe some of the clues here are red herrings? Regarding all the capitalized words in the original note; if you take the first letter from each would it unscramble into a word, saying, island name etc. Maybe the words are tied into it somehow other than the pigpen cypher. Just throwing out ideas!

    1. Yeah overly frustrated at all this I just want to play the game not worried about winning anything just wanna unlock the voyage!!

  29. Is it possible someone at rare messed up with the Spotify codes and the order is for the letters of BOUNTY?

  30. if you type the original letter into ChatGPT and instruct it to analyze the letter and solve the puzzle it will break it down for you. some of it seems legit, some maybe not so legit – as in not relevant. it does not have the answer. yet… then if you ask it to include the fact this is for a Sea of Thieves puzzle it gets even more interesting. check it out. its a deep hole. watch for the white rabbit 😉
    ChatGPT will run ciphers – fyi

  31. CurtisTheGreat

    So I posted this earlier into the SoT Community chat running on Facebook. I have no idea if this is even close to a solution, but I figured I would share it here and maybe some heads smarter than me can see. This could be a total dead end rabbit hole.

    My message to the Facebook group:

    I dumped this into ChatGPT and it spit out this. Think there’s validity to it?
    “Using the key “DKH BNR ASL ITD GYJJ”, decode the following message:” (Then I pasted the riddle into it). It spit out this:

    Using the key “DKH BNR ASL ITD GYJJ” to decode the message, we get:

    “I hope you’ve seen my clues are GUIDE for Seekers at their core.
    Just SEEK the HIDDEN SECRETS in your quest, and we can explore!

    First think of clues and what you need to keep you solving well.
    And HINTS that help decipher both riddle’s answer and puzzle’s spell.
    But there’s a SECRET side to what we find when mysteries unfold.
    New truths arise and wonders too, with stories yet untold.

    You must uncover all the SIGNS. What if they’re missed somehow?
    Be it KEY in LOCK or CODE that’s hidden in cryptic puzzles now.
    PHRASES tell a hidden TALE – or so some writers say.
    You must try to SOLVE the two. Now progress on your way!”

    1. I question the validity of this post, not because I believe you to be a misleading person, but I cannot reproduce this outcome…

  32. I just googled ciphers that use SHAPEs, and got the route cipher (which uses a square grid). I’m not sure if it is correct, but the letters of the fruit code would fit perfectly into a 4×4 route cypher (4 being the number shown on the dice in the clue image). I don’t know what route to take though. Maybe something with “south” as indicated by the compass?

  33. Reaper_Socius

    Hello again, with another theory.

    Today breaking down the
    “Pictures paint a thousand words, or so some Artist’s say”
    This can be drawn to a number of things but I have three theories on it.

    1. The gold hoarders skull, isn’t it weird how we were not given an actual look at the prize itself but instead it says “Artists Impression” perhaps something in the art of the skull their is something hidden to decipher, also notice how they did not release the Rewards column with the pictures of art until the 11 on the sea of thieves website, or perhaps if we find the Artist of the skull it may lead us to something more.

    2. Sea of thieves has a Fan art Friday on their twitter perhaps in some of these renditions of art lies a hidden message or clue.

    3. Something that relates to my previous theory it implies the word pictureS implying that it is in more then one going back onto my theory about the latest “Season Nine so far…” Art they released perhaps something in this art holds the key.

    But its all food for thought.

  34. Here is what I take so far:
    From this fragment we take that we must look in the banana video to get the first link
    And FOODS that help survive both shot from gun and cutlass hit.
    But there’s a DARK side to what we eat when time and life collude.
    Foods= the banana Dark= the shadowed area

    You must check in all the TIME refers to be checking on social media

    Be it PIG in PEN or FRUIT that’s stored in tuneless DRUMS of wood. Pig Pen for the cipher and fruits to get the codes.

    PICTURES paint a thousand WORDS = the letters on the videos.

    as far as I know we are missing
    I trust you’ve seen my rules are SHAPED for Hoarders at their heart.
    Just DON’T use COMMON PIRATES in your stead, and we can start!

    You must seek to LINK the two. Now hurry on your way!
    And Drums

    these are the only ones that haven’t been used, again as far as I understood

  35. Reaper_Socius

    Going off of my previous theory that you can find in this chat being the first one on the art.
    Ive looked around and ive found a very interesting thing.

    Sea of thieves released a book.
    Called “The Art of Sea of Thieves”
    And guess who is on the cover of this book.
    Non other then the gold hoarder himself.
    Ive also found their leading artist Jay Clapham who yes has his own twitter account though their is not much sot related stuff on it I did find that he commented on one particular sot related art posted exactly yesterday.

    But its all food for thought.

  36. That is so lame. I even looked at their spotify for like 15 minutes but I did it on my computer so I didn’t see the clips. That is so stupid.

    1. Settle down. This isn’t supposed to be easy. Just because you can’t understand the puzzle does not mean it is bad

  37. Using the timestamps from the bounty video with the final video suspiciously being 1:00:00 if you take of the trailing 0s you get series of numbers the same length as the fruit crate code

    248 148 251 327 2211

      1. the spotify videos had hidden letters which spelled bounty (the only word that can be spelled) if you use that to determine the order and then order the timestamps that is what you get

  38. DKH -> □⊔◊
    BNR -> ⊕⊙◊
    ASL -> ⊙⊕△
    DTI -> ◊□⊙
    GYJJ -> ⊗□◊◊

    I am a word of six letters, but I’m often written with only four.
    I’m a symbol of love, and a symbol of death. Remove my first letter, and I become a symbol of sport.
    What word am I?

    If we look closely, we can see that the riddle contains a clue that refers to the PigPen Cipher. The phrase “I’m a symbol of love, and a symbol of death” is a reference to the fact that the PigPen Cipher was often used as a secret code by the Freemasons, who used it to write messages about life and death.

    □⊔◊ ⊕⊙◊ ⊙⊕△ ◊□⊙ ⊗□◊◊

    Now we need to look for a six-letter word that fits the clues in the riddle. The first clue suggests that the word is often written with only four letters, so we need to look for a word that can be abbreviated. The second clue suggests that the word is a symbol of love and death, which narrows down the possibilities.

    If we look closely, we can see that the word “heart” fits all the clues. It is often written as “art,” it is a symbol of love and sometimes used as a symbol of death (as in the phrase “broken heart”), and if we remove the first letter, we get the word “dart,” which is a symbol of sport.

    Therefore, the answer to the riddle is “HEART.”

  39. I am always hungry,
    I must always be fed,
    The finger I touch,
    Will soon turn red.
    What am I?

    To solve this riddle using the PigPen Cipher, we need to apply the cipher to the letter combinations to reveal the hidden message. Then, we need to use our knowledge of words and logic to find the answer.

    If we substitute the symbols for their corresponding letters using the PigPen Cipher, we get:

    □⊔◊ ⊕⊙◊ ⊙⊕△ ◊□⊙ ⊗□◊◊

    Now, we need to look for a word or phrase that fits the clues in the riddle. The riddle describes something that is always hungry and must be fed, and touching it will cause a finger to turn red.

    The answer to this riddle is “Fire.” Fire is always hungry for fuel, and it needs to be fed to keep burning. Touching fire will cause a finger to turn red because of the heat.

    Therefore, the answer to the riddle is “FIRE.”


  41. 1 thing, what if the code at the bottom is simply letting you see the “key” on the crate, what if you’re supposed to only mix up the letters that are in the markers on top of the crate.

    2nd thing, what if the LLXI is for the roman numerals 61? Could that mean anything, per chance.

    3rd thing, any way to find out what island that picture of the crate is on? “Bounty” being in the current clues, and sailors bounty being one of the places you have to go for the shroudbreaker tall tales that lead to the Gold Hoarder, it could be in the realm of possibility to be there.

  42. Just brainstorming. This did not lead anywhere, but it may help someone with a different train of thought.
    I was thinking about BOUNTY. Bounty = treasure. Treasure map. Map, coordinates.

    I took the fruit codes, and assigned the correct number from the order in the alphabet. So A = 1, B = 2, etc. I got the following.

    4118 21418 11912 9204 7251010

    I then used these numbers to plot coordinates, and for example, I found the Tyrrhenian Sea.
    41.1821418,11.9129204725101 = coordinates for the Tyrrhenian Sea.

    Again, this code did not work, and there are many ways to manipulate the data, but thought it might help someone else.

    1. OneHandedSeadog

      That’s a great theory because N E S W letters also appeared randomly in their intro youtube video for this mystery

  43. Just a thought.
    The fruit images are on parchments that have torn edges. I thought they were just the usual parchment images that they have used before but I noticed that the edges are mirrored or rotated between each picture. Also the smudges on the background aren’t the same between each parchment, even the ones where the edges are the same. The smudges look a bit like blurry photos/pictures. Im not sure where this is leading. Maybe another rabbit hole??

  44. I wonder if there is any connection to the most recent post on their socials with the pirate relaxing on the island maybe there’s a new key or some in game on that island

    1. Interesting that the person in that image looks dead and their right hand is open with the shadow of what appears to be a banana.

  45. I’m fairly confident that there’s some sort of picture that we’re missing that will help us create a link that will give us the code that or we need to use the fruit code to turn into a link somehow

  46. I try to use a massonic playfair code using BOUNTY like key, on the alphabetic code find with pigpen, it gave me this:EIFUTQYVQYNKFACC but doesn’t work

  47. Maybe a solution to the “bounty” code?
    Based on the given codes, we can decipher the hidden word using the word “bounty” as the key. Let’s apply the Vigenère cipher to decode each part:

    Banana = DKH
    Coconut = BNR
    Pomegranate = ASL
    Mango = ITD
    Pineapple = GYJJ

    Using the Vigenère cipher, we align the key “bounty” repeatedly below each code:

    Banana: DKH
    Key: BOUNTY
    Decoded: COCO

    Coconut: BNR
    Key: BOUNTY
    Decoded: NUT

    Pomegranate: ASL
    Key: BOU
    Decoded: TY

    Mango: ITD
    Key: BOUNT
    Decoded: Y

    Pineapple: GYJJ
    Key: BOUNTY
    Decoded: FRUIT

    Putting it all together, the decoded word is “COCO NUT TY FRUIT”.

  48. Using the a1 b2 method for the code i9 is the only one with an part of an island on it, the island is rum runner so maybe try looking into rum runner cause all I found their were a bunch of captains even though I was only their for 5 minutes

  49. The picture on instagram has a ship with the name “RIPEGREENCHIVE”, which is an anagram for vigenere cipher. Not mine, but saw that in the comments. However using the vigenere cipher I just keep getting weird letter sequences.

  50. Time can be used to refer to the start of an event (e.g. It’s reading time). Perhaps that is what TIME refers to.

  51. It must have to do with (Bounty Skulls) there’s values and numbers associated with bounty skulls and captains have a certain number that appear and there’s the five types the grade bases and the rewards for the emissary value.

  52. More out loud thoughts.

    Thinking about the (decayed) spoiled bounty (bananas) and seeing that person laying at the island, makes the community image seem more like a crime scene photo. Ha ha.

    Perhaps the artist made the image to demonstrate what he had done to this poor fellow. I see the guy as dead with banana slices placed on his eyes. He was given a poison banana by the murderer and was found with the banana in his right hand, thus the shadow marking of a banana in his hand from the sun.

    Guess I’ve been to too many crime scenes. Lol.

    Again just sharing my thoughts with the community.

    1. “The keyword to the puzzle is: oUTC45T.
      That’s little o, capital U, capital T, capital C, the number four, the number five, and capital T.”

      The solution listed on the blog above is incorrect. 0UTC45T with a zero instead of a “little o” is the correct answer. Thanks you, @Travis H

  53. I understand why pom, mango and pineapple were flipped in the end, but I don’t understand why the pom became first. Anyone know?

  54. So, enter the group of letters from the fruit in a different order with the key, BOUNTY, into a Vigenère Cipher, and you will eventually reveal the text ZEROUTCFOURFIVET!

    In what order was it then?

  55. I found that pictures paint a thousands words was quoted by Fred R. Barnard if that means anything

    1. Amir Abdollahi

      It was just about the order of the letters from the fruit. We still don’t understand why that particular order yet. As soon as we do we’ll update the guide.

  56. With BOUNTY as the key and the letters reorganized as ASL BNR DTI HKD JJYG because that was the way they were actually shown. It is ZER OUT CFO URF IVET or ZEROUTCFOURFIVET…. 0utc45t

  57. Labcoat Cactus

    I literally put the letters through a vigenere cipher with the key being ‘bounty’ on the first day but I didn’t put in the right combo of letters; the only part that I got out of it was : ‘out’. 🥲

  58. “You need to order of the letter segments for each fruit in alphabetical order. Putting the letters into the correct order will give you ASLBNRDKHITDJJYG.
    Now, plugin ASLBNRDKHITDJJYG with the key BOUNTY into the Vigenère Cipher, and you will get ZEROUTCFOURFIVET.”

    This is wrong, the correct order is “ASLBNRDTIHKDJJYG”
    The rest is correct. Well done.

  59. DoctorPeaches

    This isn’t correct. The ciphertext is still jumbled. I know it’s nitpicky, but this was what got us stuck for a very long time: ASL BNR DTI HKD JJYG provides the correct answer when decrypted. Letters needed to be entered being read from the fruit, with the fruit in the order of Pomegranate, Coconut, Mango, Banana, and Pineapple.

  60. Hi, i just tried this and the website says it couldn’t accept my answer. did i do something wrong?
    Edit: reloaded the page and it worked

  61. Hi! I may sound nitpicky but your rotated image of pineapple converts with pigpen in GYJJ (the last two symbols are the same). And I think your converted image is right and matches the original symbol of pineapple at the fruit crate. But why it’s a JJYG then? Can somebody explain to me or point out my mistake?

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