UPDATE: If you are working on Puzzle 4, head here! We’ll be updating our findings along the way!
Stage 3 of The Hoarder’s Hunt Mystery is live, and the third Puzzle is now available for all pirates to solve! Before starting, confirm you’ve submitted the codes and completed the Voyage for Stages 1 and 2. Once you’ve done the Puzzle and Voyage for the first two Stages, you can begin working on Stage 3: Portrait of Plunder.
Solving the online Puzzle for Stage 3 will allow you to claim an in-game Voyage from Larinna at any Outpost and work on the next part of the Mystery.
Puzzle 3: Portrait of Plunder
The Letter
As before, Stage 3 of the Mystery begins with a Puzzle for you to solve, and each Puzzle starts with a letter delivered to the Gold Hoarders. The Gold Hoarders have opened the letter for the next Puzzle, which reads:
I see you’re using others in my enigmatic quest.
I warn you Hoarders that about my rules I do not jest.
As when playing CARD games, keep our secrets close to your chest.
Like I have done personally, you must your time invest.
Don’t SPY huge tornado, but smallest cloud up in the sky.
The devil and answers lie in detail – and so do I…
Swear your HEARTS to my CLUB and so you can find my hoard!
Ready your SPADES to uncover your DIAMOND like reward.
With the clues given inside the letter, you can now scour the internet for the answers. You are ultimately looking for a code to submit on the official Sea of Thieves website. Entering the correct code will unlock the in-game Voyage and allow you to work on the next part of the Mystery.
The first clues you’ll investigate are mysterious portraits released on various social media platforms after the Mystery started!
Mysterious Portraits
Minutes after Stage 3 of the Mystery started, different versions of the same image appeared all over the internet. The image in question contains several portraits of various Gold Hoarder representatives. However, the portraits in each image are of different Gold Hoarder representatives or have different markings on the portraits themselves.
While the first version of the image was discovered just after the Mystery started, the last image wasn’t discovered until four days later. So at the moment, a total of 15 different versions of the image have been found.
Twitter Portraits
Several Rare employees and the official Sea of Thieves account tweeted the image containing portraits of different Gold Hoarder representatives. One of the first images came from a tweet by Mike Chapman, the Creative Director of Sea of Thieves. He posted the tweet at 4:06 pm UTC on May 25th. The image he shared contains portraits of Humphrey, the Gold Hoarder, and an unknown Gold Hoarder.
Link to tweet
The second image came from a tweet by Joe Neate, Executive Producer of Sea of Thieves. He posted the tweet at 4:07 pm UTC on May 25th. The image he shared contains portraits of the Gold Hoarder, Horace, and Henry.
Link to tweet
A third image came from a tweet by the infamous Captain Bones. He posted the tweet at 4:22 pm UTC on May 25th. This image contains portraits of Hugh, Horace, and Herbert.
Link to tweet
And a fourth image from Twitter came from a tweet by the official Sea of Thieves account. The account posted the tweet at 2:15 pm UTC on May 26th. The image shared contains portraits of the Gold Hoarder, an unknown Gold Hoarder, and Humphrey.
The tweet also came with a clue to “look at the scratches differently.”
Link to tweet
OneDrive Portraits
Three more versions of the image came from the OneDrive folders, two of which were used in the previous two Stages. One of the images is from bit.ly/sotfruit and was found on May 25th. This image contains portraits of Henry, Herbert, and Hugh.
Link to OneDrive
The second image is from bit.ly/sotfeathered and was found on May 25th. This image contains portraits of Herbert, an unknown Gold Hoarder, and Humphrey.
Link to OneDrive
And one more came from a new folder found on May 25th using a clue from Puzzle 2: bit.ly/sotturkeygoatlives. This image contains portraits of Horace, Humphrey, and the Gold Hoarder.
Link to OneDrive
Twitch Portrait
Another version of the image is from the official Sea of Thieves Twitch page and was found on May 25th. While Sea of Thieves wasn’t streaming, the current Offline Screen is an image that contains more portraits! This image contains portraits of an unknown Gold Hoarder, the Gold Hoarder, and Humphrey.
Link to Twitch
Xbox Wire Portrait
A different version of the image is in the Xbox Wire article that the community used initially to solve Puzzle 2. The image was discovered on May 25th. The article’s author updated it to include a different version of the image with the portraits. This image contains portraits of Hugh, Henry, and Horace.
Link to Xbox Wire article
Discrod Portrait
A different version of the image was posted in the official Sea of Thieves Discord by James Bowden, the Social Media Lead at Rare. James posted the image in the Discord at 2:17 pm UTC on May 26th. The image he posted contains portraits of Hugh, an unknown Gold Hoarder, and Henry.
Link to Discrod message
Facebook Portrait
Again, another version of the image was posted to the official Sea of Thieves facebook page. The image was posted at 2:15 pm UTC on May 26th and contains portraits of Herbert, Humphrey, and the Gold Hoarder.
Like the official Sea of Thieves account tweet, this post also suggested: “look at the scratches differently.”
Link to facebook post
YouTube Portrait
And a different version of the image was posted to the official Sea of Thieves YouTube Community page around 2:15 pm UTC on May 26th. The image posted contains portraits of Humphrey, Hugh, and Henry.
Just like the facebook post, this post also came with a clue to “look at the scratches differently.”
Link to YouTube post
Instagram Portrait
Another version of the image was posted to the official Sea of Thieves Instagram feed around 2:15 pm UTC on May 26th. The image shared contains portraits of Hugh, Henry, and Herbert.
Again, the post came with a clue to “look at the scratches differently.”
Link to Instagram post
Xbox Club Portrait
Again, a different version of the image was posted to the official Sea of Thieves Xbox Club activity feed around 2:15 pm UTC on May 26th. This image contains portraits of Horace, the Gold Hoarder, and Herbert.
As with the rest of the images posted on the 26th, this one also came with a hint to “look at the scratches differently.”
Link to Xbox Club page
The Hoarder's Hunt: Update One Video
With all eyes on the portraits, keen pirates noticed that the portrait behind John McMurtrie, head of Video Production at Rare, in the ‘The Hoarder’s Hunt: Update One’ video differed in each uploaded version. So, for example, the YouTube version of the portrait differed from the Twitter version.
You can see the differences at the timestamps 1:24 and 2:00 in each video on each social media platform.
Pigpen Cipher
Diligent pirates noticed days after Puzzle 2 started that ‘H’ updated the portrait uploaded to the bit.ly/sotfruit OneDrive. Not only was the image filename updated to “YouDisappointMe.png,” but the image now had Pigpen symbols painted in red pointing at one of the portraits.
The painted symbols confirmed that the markings on the portraits were indeed Pigpen symbols while giving us an example to help us decode the rest.
Decoding the Portraits
With all 53 portraits available, we grouped them by each Gold Hoarder representative and decoded what we thought the Pigpen symbols were for each. We based the decryption on the example given in the “YouDisappointMe.png” image.
These have yet to be confirmed and are our best guesses to help get some ideas flowing. So let us know if you spot a pattern, notice anything interesting, or think differently about one of the symbols!
While not each hand of Gold Hoarder representative portraits forms a word at the moment, you should notice several that are very close! And what is most interesting about these words is that the parrot from Puzzle 2 spoke them!
Using the parrot’s words as a guide, you can create a word and flip the ambiguous T/U and S/V to the right side to complete it.
The three words you can form after decoding the Pigpen symbols are Frost, Diet, and Locker.
Zoom Art
On May 29th, around 3pm UTC, the official Sea of Thieves Instagram account posted a story featuring a video of Sea of Thieves Zoom Art with the caption “SO MANY DETAILS 👀.” The story linked to the original video posted by onepikapi, a digital artist specializing in Zoom Art.
The video has multiple scenes, including an intense sword fight, a chaotic ship battle, and a sea monster attack. While the art is beautiful, you can find dozens of small details hidden within, including a peculiar blue parrot sitting on a skull and cannonballs. For those with a good memory, you’ll remember that two of the words spoken by the parrot were “skull” and “cannonball.” Interesting! However, neither parrot from Puzzle 2 was blue.
Skull Cannonball
The blue parrot from the Zoom Art video helped narrow the search for clues to Twitter. Starting with the two words spoken by the parrot from Puzzle 2 and showcased in the Zoom Art, the community found a Twitter account named Skull Cannonball.
Why was this account noteworthy? Well, it only had one post with an image of pirates playing cards and only followed eight other accounts. Three accounts were named Rocked Diet (@rockeddiet), Tom Cod (@frost_locker), and Washed Robot (@WashedRobot). Each of these accounts also only had one post of pirates playing cards, but more importantly, they had names formed from combinations of words created by the cards.
As for the image itself, something interesting is that each version of the image has a different Roman Numeral carved into the playing card table. Combing all four Roman Numerals in order from left to right will return XVII or 17.
Not only did each of the four Twitter accounts have something interesting posted, but each had something interesting about their profile, from the bio to their image.
The Washed Robot profile has a header image with a binary code that translates to “u r.”
The Rocket Diet has a profile picture with a road sign. The road sign has the word “APTERIA” in it, an anagram for “A PIRATE.”
The Skull Cannonball bio is, “One dog. Perhaps another. Together, you will obey my command.” Going with the theme of puppets in The Hoarder’s Hunt Mystery, you could translate this riddle to the word “puppet.”
Tom Cod’s Twitter handle is @frost_locker making its profile name something to ponder about. Mixing the letters of Tom Cod around, you can get Dot Com which you can translate to “.com.”
Putting the answers to these Twitter profile riddles in the correct order will result in the URL youareapiratepuppet.com. Going to that website will reveal a picture of cards on a table.
Before moving on, take note of the six scratches on the right side of the table. The number six will become important later on.
Returning to the image of the pirates playing cards, you’ll want to take note of the card suit and number. The card suit and number are necessary because if you take the “nth” letter from the word of the card suit for every card in the photo, “n” being the card number, it will give you letters to form a word.
So, let’s use the four of Hearts, for example. If you take the fourth letter from the word heart, you will get an “R.” If you do this for each card in the picture, you will get the letters “H,” “E,” “A,” “R,” “T,” “L,” “E,” “S,” and “S.” Combining the letters from left to right will form the word “heartless.”
Adding “heartless” to the end of the youareapiratepuppet.com URL takes you to a new page featuring a map and riddle! Pirates who have made it this far will remember this map from the ‘A Message from H’ video in Puzzle 2.
The riddle included with the map reads:
You Gold Hoarders are TURNCOATS!
Do not alter this game to become a deadly SPAT!
YOU must abide by my rules.
Stop enlisting the aid of those on galleons, sloops, and BRIGS
Who marvel at Ancient RUNES and their various USES
Who feast on COCONUTS before facing the FURY of the Devil’s Roar.
I see your CRUEL disobedience as you recruit these pirates.
As they DASH everywhere as fast as FATE will allow.
As they DIG up those precious keys you crave!
For you, they push past trees and struggle through FERNS.
For you, they weather the STORM yet they do not CRY!
Their strength to your weakness plants the SEED of doubt in my mind.
My rules have been plain and BASIC
Yet I see that you struggle to stay TRUE to them
As such, i may seek to alter the target of my INTENT…
Rearranging the letters from the capitalized words in each paragraph will reveal a phrase you can use to gather coordinates from the map. For example, shuffling the letters from “TURNCOATS,” “SPAT,” and “YOU” around can give you the phrase “SANCTUARY OUTPOST.” If you scan the map, you will see that Sanctuary Outpost is at the coordinates B0.
Shuffling the rest of the capitalized words around will give you the following phrase and coordinates:
Link to the map
Another interesting graphic on the map are the two keys with the number 17 next to them.
The Price of Gold
Putting all the coordinates together to form the code B07R1SSGJ5 and searching for it in Google will return a search result for the official Sea of Thieves comic: Sea of Thieves Origins #1: The Price of Gold.
The ASIN, the identifier for books on Amazon, is B07R1SSGJ5.
As we have yet to do anything with the number 17, the clue from the portrait of pirates playing cards and the Heartless map, our next clue may be on page 17 of the comic. Perhaps panel 17?
Link to the comic
With our spare numbers left to use, flip to the 17th page of the comic, scan to the 6th panel on the page, and take note of the 17th word used: grudge. Putting the word grudge at the end of the youareapiratepuppet.com URL will reveal the answer to the Puzzle!
Link to the answer
What is the code to the puzzle?
The code to the puzzle is: 3GDURG.
What's next?
Now that you have solved the Puzzle, it’s time to jump into the Sea of Thieves and claim your in-game Voyage from Larinna. Completing the Voyage will end Stage 3, and you will be ready for Stage 4 to commence!
If you need any help with the Voyage, we’ll be updating our guide for it as we go along here: The Hunt for the Sterling Silver Key Voyage.
225 thoughts on “How to solve Puzzle 3: Portrait of Plunder in Sea of Thieves”
So we have to different Mark’s in the pics but to what?
Don’t know
also something to note: the contents of the two bit.ly links from before have changed aswell
The letter says “CARDS” and “HEARTS, CLUB, SPADES, DIAMOND” which are the four whatsits of cards.
they’re called suits.
Noted. Thank you
Also I’d bet that the lines near the eyes have something to do with the mystery
It’s got to be a solitaire cipher the pictures all represent a suit of cards I bet.
https://www.twitch.tv/seaofthieves (Offline stream)
Someone on Sea Of Thieves Discord found this.
Someone on Sea Of Thieves Discord found this.
Try Japanese multiplication on the lines to get values
I think it’s a trifid cipher, given the 3 lines showing up everywhere. Use the names of each hoarder in the pictures to make a cipher and then encode only the ones with the lines.
very likely
How do you know which layer to use?
I don’t know whether this is a wild goose chase or not, but I found this: https://www.gamesradar.com/sea-of-thieves-started-life-as-spy-game/
I saw the release date for SoT on here is borked. Says March 20, 20218
the painting behind the man on official twitter vido changin and reveal other portraits
The Xbox Wire article that had last week’s solution also has one of these images.
Sea of Thieves’ New Mystery Aims to Be ‘The Ultimate Treasure Hunt’, With a Real-Life Golden Skull on Offer – Xbox Wire There’s another image.
There are some lines above the eyes on some potraits.This could be a Pigpen Code again. I recieved: FHFFI+FEFH
The posters have a different one bluer than the rest in each pic. That’s probably significant.
Has anyone gotten the code yet?
What if you use the portraits from 13:00 in A Message From H as a key for the others?
are they Unicode symbols maybe? https://www.rapidtables.com/code/text/unicode-characters.html
Each suite of a deck of cards is mentioned in the riddle. By using something called a Pontifex cipher, or Solitare cipher on the riddle, you get the code HLAYF ZOHMW MKNXY XDHVP OSZDW VDUIR ZEYTV VUQHE UGVQM. Is there anything that can be found about this code?
It’s not simple cipher, I shifted this pattern 24 times with no result to anything legible.
So I moved the letters around in AI Chat and got this… FLY THROUGH SKY LIKE A WIZARD MOVING UP AND DOWN WITH EASE
This link was floating around Discord? Is it a new picture?
Portraits.png – OneDrive
Another picture found by someone in Sea Of Thieves Discord.
is it possible that we only need to use the images and symbols from them with the gold hoarder from the painting with red paint? The riddle does say “As when playing card games, keep our secrets close to your chest.” He literally has his hand on his chest in his picture. That would narrow down the symbols from each picture and video.
The crosses on some of the portraits shown in the images seem like they may be important.
Hyde is the only hoarder who doesn’t have a poster. Could he be the mastermind?
I think it’s possible especially with the reference to the devils roar
There are a couple of cards that have a dot next to it’s symbol I think these are the cards we need to decipher to get the next clue
The parrot video also have such pics with crosses above the eyes, but don’t know if they belong to the rest of the pics.
Masonic cypher lines and some have a dot on the image. I tried and gave up. But I’m sure there is a hidden work in certain letters
New photos are up across the socials, not sure about the onedrive folders just yet
Sea of Thieves – YouTube (Community)
Sea of Thieves | Facebook
(3) Sea of Thieves (@SeaOfThieves) / Twitter
Sea of Thieves (@seaofthievesgame) • Instagram photos and videos
More pictures
“Spades” is misspelled in the 3rd to last paragraph. You have it spelled “SPAEDS”.
Cheers! Thanks for the heads up 🙂
No problem!
What about the posters from the message from h it didn’t have anything to do with the puzzle 2 but it did change in the background maybe that is still connected in a way and those symbols look similar to the puzzle we had to solve before.
What happened to the pic with all the cards
Yeah, I was heavily using that, too.
anyone else make note of the smaller marks/dots next to the scratches when you zoom in on the images?
I noticed those as well.
I think the lines are resprenting the types of cards
This is a long shot but maybe the shades of the images represent the suits red and black darker shades being black and lighter red
just a thought
Maybe it’s a different form of pigpen I can see dots on posters as well
I don’t know if this helps but there are 4 suits to a deck and 13 cards in each suit. Plus 2 jokers. Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King. There are hundreds/thousands of card games that have been invented. Some of those need multiple decks to play. What are some of the types of card games pirates would have played? Rummy? Gin Rummy? Go fish? Spades? Blackjack? Cribbage? A version of liar’s dice but with cards? I feel like they would have played games with stakes that they could wager in.
What if you include the 4 misfits posters from the parrot video to get to 54 posters. A 52 card deck usually has 2 jokers as well
Did anyone notice that the number of scratches almost never exceeds 4?
(post deleted by author)
If you look at the seven portraits at the top of the post (right above the twitter images). All the portraits, with the exception of the gold hoarder portrait, can be divided into pairs based on their markings and colors. Here are the pairs:
Humphrey and Herbert
Hugh and Henry
Harry and Horace
The markings that separate the portraits into pairs are located near the bottom right hand corner.
It’s Humphrey in the pic with the red paint. It’s possible the red paint indicates card suit color (ie Heart or Diamond), that would maybe mean that Humphrey and Herbert represent one of the red suits and Hugh and Henry the other. Additionally, Harry and Horace posters are a different, much darker colour than the others, maybe meaning they represent the black suits (ie Spades or Clubs). That said, I still can’t find any good cipher/code matches for the symbols on the poster faces.
The sides of the frame with the red paint has red diamond shaped gems on either side so maybe that means Humphrey and Herbert represent the diamond suit.
I’ve been looking more at the original portrait with the red paint on it. Two things I’ve noticed:
There is a very faint signature on the bottom left corner, possibly OP, but possibly some other symbols or initials?
There are parts of the portrait that seem unfinished, or he has bandages or something. The side of his face, part of his hand and undershirt, then his hand on the bottom right corner.
Any ideas????? There was the whole “close to your chest” line in the original letter. Head, Heart, Hand….
That’s the gold curse that he has. All of those spots are his skin but gold.
It says OM
What say om
Red pigpen
Maybe we need to use the markings on each picture as the actual pigpen. Pigpen is made on a graph and some letters are coded with a dot some without. The symbols on the card seem to be the letter location on the graph part of pigpen. Some have a dot off to the side some do not. So the question could be perceived as is it an o or an m?
Why isn’t Hyde from the Devils Roar listed in the portraits? Hyde of the Gold Hoarders, nice to meet you. Bring me chests, you get a cut. A fair cut, honest… cross my heart.
Why has no tried turning and swapping posters around so that the edge of the poster is in the correct rotation as the scratches which are the outline of where the posters originally were
An interesting thing I noticed is that with the portrait images, there are four images with one scratch, half as many with two, and a quarter as many with three. Seems like it could be a pattern clue.
There was also an image posted in the sea of thieves official club a short time ago that had one of the scratches on it.
What if the scratches represent the suit? The videos show four different types of scratches, and there are four suits in a deck of cards.
When you say scratches, do you mean the lines across their faces? We’re working with those as pigpen cipher indicators
Yes, I am referring to the lines across their faces. I confess I do not know very much about pigpen ciphers so they could very well be part of one. However, it seems like too large of a coincidence that there are four different types of these scratches in the videos and four suits in a card deck.
I think you’re on to something, I had the same notion about the scratches.
I cant see that red pigpen cipher on the scratch in original photo… then i start thinking what if the scratches on paintings are the piece of tic-tac-toe (used on pigpen cipher) pattern,the nose is painting the letter and the dot means that is obviously with the dot pattern or not. Then if we find correct order of the portraits(maybe alphabetical) maybe we have the answer.. i put some portraits into it and i found that the HTTP pattern is possible with it but my head is exploding right now…So do i guys
On some of the portraits, you can see a small dot next to the head of the gold hoarder represented. For example, in the image right below the first image, there is a small dot on the far left portrait. I wonder if this what “Don’t SPY huge tornado, but smallest cloud up in sky” refers to. Additionally, all of the dotted portraits have scratches on them. Perhaps the dotted portraits form some sort of clue? The portrait with the pigpen ciphers drawn next to it has a dot on it, and some pigpen ciphers contain dots, which seems to support my theory.
Edit: Upon further reflection it seems like some scratches are combinations of pigpen ciphers, and some do not appear be pigpen ciphers at all. Perhaps more than one type of cipher is at play here?
It seems like some scratches are combinations of symbols (e.g. the >< scratch can be broken into the pigpen ciphers > and <).
I noticed that you left out the posters from the videos. These have Pigpen markers as well and could change the results. My second thought for today is could the pigpen letters be an anagram like from the first puzzle? Each hoarders’ set of posters forming a word, or multiple words and when combined make a complete sentence, or link?
Ok so I used the pigpen cipher using variant 3 pigpen alphabet got a bunch of juggled up words now I put those into a alphabet cipher n got a bottle washed ashore n stay out of my buisness
Tird row to the bottom and it spells “JONE”
It seems like this is 2 cards short of a solitaire cypher with no jokers. I wonder if it will still work if some of the encoded text isn’t there? we just need to figure out the suit order of the gold hoarders.
I wonder if the “cards” relates to the Karnath SOT game cards you can still buy
has anyone tried a cryptogram solver yet?
I put all the symbols to PigPen Cipher and gat
and this i put to Solitaire Cipher and get this
later i put the letters into numbers to find the coded message and then put the numbers into letters and get this
what is fun.. i try different order and get this always. maybe i do somthing wrong.
But later i put this into Vigenere Cipher whith the clues as the codes and still find nothing. Hope You guys can do something with that info
Using what you’ve done im coming up with Fortune but don’t know the numbers
i tried 4tune, f0rtune, 4tune, 47une, all of those with e being a 3 and e being a 3 but the others being normal
Just take the numbers from alphabet
A=1 B=2…Z=26
What You mean by the FORTUNE ??
I used chat gpt to analyze Micallef work and it came up with fortune
It also tells me we need more clues the ones we have aren’t enough
any updates?
This just goes to show how far the dev team has their heads up their own backsides they expect people to follow all this social media crap week after week for a sweepstakes chance at some crappy “merch”. Add more rocks to the map.
Assuming the images of the sets of three portraits are all one clue, we have several sets of three letters. Perhaps there is a cipher that translates three characters into a single character. That could be the solution to said clue.
Trilateral cipher
Is an empty one drive folder called puzzle 3 but the info says it was modified at 2:50pm 29/5/2023.
I found something that really interesting about this. https://what3words.com/frost.diet.locker
Yeah! Its on Monkey Hill! Maybe a hint towards monkey Island?
I noticed the X symbol with the extra line through it has no letter assigned to it, but I think it probably should, maybe the line through it is meant to eliminate the > and < sides of the X leaving only two possible letter options in the top or bottom places?
Second row down makes the word ‘heavy’, third down could make hour?, orbs? or robs?
Unscrambled some letters to try and find words, this is what I got, from top to bottom:
maker (if O is M, and C is A)
hour (if B = H, and T/U/V is S)
forts (rather than “frost”)
manlike (if J = L, and O = M) ((otherwise, kaoline (maybe?))
tide (rather than “diet”)
relock (rather than “locker”)
(the letters which go “if # is X” is the ones one could technically flip around.)
What if we just layer the portraits in a category of the face
“0ld M41D3N” is not the answer.
do you think it has something to do with what3words???
You all know this is likely already solved by some no lifer discord group that is keeping is under wraps to put everyone else behind so when the 4th one drops only a select few can start working on it and be first to go at getting the grand prize. The answer to this will reveal close to puzzle 4 going life with some sorta “wow guys this one was tough”
You do know that the key isn’t in the chest yet right?
is line 3 possibly hour?
I think the first two rows are rocked and shady
We can build “HEAVY” with the second row of cards!
So I put Humphrey’s letters into an anagram solver and apparently the solution for him is ‘ocker’ which is a real word from Middle English with a meaning of interest, interest on money; usury; increase, if it’s a noun and To increase (in price); add to, if it’s a verb. The second line, after a few tries gives me the result of ‘heavy’, and the third one gives me 9 diferrent words, depending on which letters I choose from the multiple choice posters. In no particular order: bort
bros orbs robs sorb
hors rhos
Hope that helps.
In the Zoom Art video reaper sails have markings that could be skeleton runes “skull” and “captain”. Originally, those sails do not have those markings.
Could it be another instance of using the “WhatThreeWords” website to find another location?
and the pigpen P on the sails….
Just in case it’s something on ‘what3words’ again, this link calculates all possible 3 word combos.
What’s the significance of the word shady?
That new image with clues https://rarethief.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/sea-of-thieves-the-hoarders-hunt-mystery-zoom-art-576×1024.png in the sales 6 or 9 of clubs is P? Which are the clubs?
Where u find this picture
Look where the fingers are pointing
Lol, original picture was without fingers. It’s on sot instagram.
I saw you had diet down as a word the same letters could form TIDE also noticed the sail has the skeleton Rune for captain in red.
Anyone else notice that bit.ly/parrotskullcannonball is literally a redherring link 🤔
Why are there fingers in the picture
The Dark Descent audio clip recently posted on Instagram has a large, and rather prominent X as it’s background. It may be inconsequential and I don’t know how/if it’s relevant but worth noting in case.
The sails have the Pigpen symbol, meaning ‘P’
I think the thumb in the photo is pointing to the boot that has another symbol. I think that other symbol on the boot is another ‘P’
I was seeing what words I could make in each row and this is what I came up with. Top to bottom.
1) Ocker.
2) Yeahs or Heavy.
3) Hour, Sorb, Robs, Orbs, Bros.
4) Frost.
5) (didn’t have anything)
6) Diet.
7) Locker.
I think tide would be a more likely word than diet for number 6. It seems like you may be onto something though.
Instagram has an updated story and they focused in on one part of the zoom art with a “thinking emoji” in the corner. The parrot and his pearch are all in view still and so is the skeleton but the pirate was taken out of frame
SOT twitter just posted a 1 word tweet that read Squawk.
Sotskullcannonball is a bitly link
It goes to puzzle 1
I wonder why the banana the skelly is holding is silver/grey?
That’s the basketgaurd of the cutlass he is holding
oh yes, I see it now (facepalm) lol trying to solve puzzles with a toddler is darn near impossible
Is there a symbol on the skulls teeth?
We have been trying to form words with each type of portrait, but now I think we have been going about it the wrong way. If you look at all the videos, you can see two portraits of gold hoarders that have the same scratches. There are 8 videos, so there are 4 types of scratches shown, and four groups of two gold hoarder portraits. I think that if we take the letters represented by the portraits for each of these groups, instead of the letters represented by just one portrait, we could get some very interesting results. Just a thought.
Edit: One of the groups is Henry and the Unknown Gold Hoarder, giving you combinations of the string of letters, hyaetsuvfrost.
https://www.youareapiratepuppet.com/heartless This leads to a map that looks like the next part of the clue.
how did you get to this address?
Where did you find the link
Just guessed.
Guessed where though? Like the entire string of words…. or through a bitly link.
What’s unclear in just guessed? Ppl can guess many detailed clues. We had a picture on sot Instagram too and frost locker account on Twitter.
there is this one too
In this image, the two cards that are turned slightly, one in each row, also have slighty different art
The outside of this map has letters/numbers that are all mixed up but still aligned with the red grid like coordinates
There’s progress. Check twitter account of @frost_locker, and the content of .youareapiratepuppet.com then youareapiratepuppet.com/heartless. There’s a map with new hints and a letter.
Has anyone tried zooming in on the skull of the sword wielding skeleton or the skull that the blue parrot is sitting on in the zoom art video/picture? If I am reading the runes on those sails correctly, it reads Captain and Skull.
Either that or something to do with CaptainBones’s twitter account. Probably either wrong or a red herring, but worth a shot either way just to confirm.
Anyone notice the symbol on palm tree
There is a cipher code around the new map. The grid references don’t make sense for a normal map. I’ve been working on the idea that each image has 2 cards one side of the ladder. And 1 card on the other. That they may have a letter and numerical value as a grid reference. But nothing so far makes and sense. There is also a ladder cipher that flips the numeric value of letters. Ie A = 1 or 26.
The letters and numbers around the new map post are in 2 groups. 1 set are close to the grid. And one set is higher up. It is a similar positioning to the gold holder posters. 1 is low down & the other 2 are raised higher.
In the skull cannon ball oil painting of the pirates playing cards, there is a X cross carved into the edge of the table, at least 2 of the pirates are cheating, one has a card up his sleeve, the other is seeing the ace of hearts, reflected in the lantern, so the other player can read it. There are a lot of hints about flipping and reversing things. The original post has a compass pointing up but reads South, the latest pictures show a compass pointing down but reads North. Hints at misdirection.
I can’t see the 17. But the 2 dice with 1 and 3 on it keep appearing. I’ve seen 6 in Roman numerals. The cards are laid out as 4 cards, and 5 cards. Every card is different except 2, which are part covered, so you can’t tell. 3 have folded corners. The rest have notches cut out of the sides. Which makes them marked cards, which you would cheat with. The map also has similar notches. Maybe they match up? Well done on finding the other pictures.
There is an X in the table, and in the others are a V and two I s, if you put those images together, they look as follows: https://1drv.ms/i/s!Anaop6vUPJvShWct8CjhLLNOVEWj?e=DI0jZV
Thanks I see it now. And the binary code on washed robot. BASIC (from the second clue poem) is a computer language.
On the tables, there is a letter to the bottom right… If you put them in order, it reads: XVII, or 17 …
17 is seen here too about halfway down on the righthand side of the map
Additionally, there are exactly 17 gold hoarders without pigpen on their eyes!
what is this?
There is a new twitter image also
One dog perhaps another – sea dog , sea dogs rest, sea dogs tavern, K9 & the twins Singh.
Wasn’t there a dog dish on Galleons Grave Outpost
On the pictures with pirates playing cards there are hidden symbols on the table
The profiles that posted the pictures of the pirates might reveal additional clues?
For example, the account Skullcannonball’s quote on their profile reads, “One Dog. Perhaps Another. Together you will obey my command.”
And the actual tag for the Tom Cod account is @frost_locker.
Could these lead to a crucial step in the mystery?
Also, taking a closer look at the profile pictures of these accounts I noticed that the Tom Cod account with the cat profile picture…if you look at the cat’s eyes you can see the skull with the yellow bandana (hoarders hunt symbol)
man this is dirty how were we suppose to figure out the twitter skull cannonball no wonder this clued stalled so hard
this riddle it’s very difficult compared to previous one
17 is interesting because if you look on the new map there is a picture of keys on the right side with the number 17 above it.
In the image with the cards, there is a number tally scratched into the table on the right side totalling 6. The 6th card on the table has a slightly different image in that the shark is faded/missing. Maybe a reference to the shrouded ghost?
Also the 3rd one has a filled background behind the “Sea of Thieves” title instead of the shadow of an island… red herring ?
for this section: BRIGS RUNES USES COCONUTS FURY i would also include the capitalized A from Ancient
BRIGS RUNES USES COCONUTS FURY = ‘Your success brings us fortune’ = RB?
Brigs runes uses coconuts fury – your success brings us fortune – B,R
Why are S and G repeated on the map? We get Mercy’s End at SG, but GS is also a place on the map. It’s the only one that does that, and they cross right on the eye of the skull. Although every time I thought I’ve been on to something it’s been a dead end
If you plot the 5 coordinates on the map and join the dots you get a pentogram with the center containing the Reapers Bones and the Treasury of Lost Ancients.