Sea of Thieves Rare Thief Guide for The Fate of the Morningstar

Sea of Thieves

The Fate of the Morningstar Tall Tale Guide

updated as needed

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The Ferryman has summoned you for some assistance. Time to pause your time on the world of the living and head to the Ferry of the Damned.

In this adventure, you’ll be tracking the Morningstar crew’s last steps before their lives were taken and their souls were buried.

Any tracking is best done with a map in hand. But, there’s a map that you might find particularly helpful in tracking these souls: the interactive SoT companion map has a marker series devoted specifically to helping you find the Morningstar crew!

It might looked like only four markers at first glance, but zoom in and you’ll find many more!

You can find the web version of the interactive SoT companion map here.

Fate of the Morningstar Markers on Web SoT Companion Map

Of course, if you’d rather use the interactive map on your phone or tablet, you can use the SoT companion app.

Fate of the Morningstar Markers on Mobile SoT Companion Map
Apple Pirates Click Here
Android Pirates Click Here

The Fate of the Morningstar Tall Tale: Step by Step

Step 1: Fate of the Morningstar Tall Tale Book

You will start this tale in an unusual place. Head to the Ferry of the Damned and meet with the Ferryman. Sitting next to him will be the Tale book.

He will tell you about some lost souls and one of his most prized possessions, a lantern that can lift the veil which hides the spirit world from living eyes. We must find this lantern and voyage the marooned souls to the Ferry.

Fate of the Morningstar

Step 2: Obtain the Enchanted Lantern

One of the pages in the Tale book will tell you where the sarcophagus is. The sarcophagus contains the Enchanted Lantern you seek.

Book of the Unclaimed Dead, My Last Words

The two most common possible islands to which you will be directed are Kraken’s Fall and Marauder’s Arch. Both will have you climbing to the highest peak of the island and digging in front of a prominent tree.


Once you locate the sarcophagus, you will open it up to find the remains of the Ferryman and his lantern. Interact with it to have it added to your Map Radial.

Now that we have the lantern, we can hunt those lost souls down and free them!

Click Images to Enlarge

One of the most important things to remember while following the footsteps of the past is to always head in the last direction the footsteps you are following are heading.

If you feel like you lost the trail, keep going a little further from the last direction to see if you find the steps again again. There are a few spots where the steps have a big gap between them.

Now, depending on the beach that your Tale book mentions, either head over the South beach on Old Faithful, or sail to the North beach on Kraken’s Fall.

We’ll begin with Old Faithful. So, if you have Kraken’s Fall, you’ll want to scroll down a bit, until you get to Steps 3 – 5 for Kraken’s Fall specifically.

Old Faithful Isle

The trail begins on the South beach. Pull out your lantern and raise it high to reveal the scene. You should come across a rowboat with several chests in it. Nearby is a large skeleton with a couple of smaller skeletons.

Further along the beach you will see a skeleton looking up North on the beach.

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Head up the beach to find the three pirates sitting by a campfire. With your lantern equipped, continue up the hill. You will watch as they are startled and head inland. Each set of steps will eventually diverge. We’ll need to follow each set separately to find Dinger, Fontaine, and Slate.

Old Faithful Isle South Beach
Old Faithful Isle South Beach

Follow the pirates’ footsteps through the arch and to a fork in the path. Two pirates will head left (West) and one will head to the right (East).

We will begin by heading left to follow Dinger and Fontaine.

Old Faithful Pirates Initial Divergence

Step 3: Free Dinger on Old Faithful Isle

Following the two sets of footprints heading left (West), you will go up to the high South West side of the island. There—near some barrels—these two sets of footprints will diverge. One set turned left (South). One set went right (West).

To find Dinger, we’ll need to turn right and head South.

Fontaine Dinger Split

Shortly after you begin following these footsteps, you will see Dinger cornered on a cliff. Unable to change the past, you’ll watch as the skeletons chasing him push him over the edge.

Click Images to Enlarge

You’ll need to follow Dinger. The easiest way is to drop down over the side of that cliff just like he did. Just make sure you have full health first. Once you’ve landed, hold out your lantern to see the skeletons stowing Dinger’s soul in a chest.

Dinger's Fall Location on Old Faithful

Next, you’ll again need to locate and follow the footprints. Except, these footprints won’t be Dinger’s. These will be skeleton footprints!

The skeletons, too, will go their separate ways: one with a chest, one with the chest’s key. The footprints that continue forward in the direction you were already heading will lead you to the chest.

You will find the skeleton burying the chest in the sand. Dig up the chest and head back to where the skeletons diverged.

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This time follow the other skeleton footprints to find the key.

You will follow the steps up the mountain and past the hanging cage. Finally, you will arrive at a cannon to see that the skeleton scalawag put the key in a cannon and shot it into the sea!

Well, you’d better follow it. Line up the physical cannon with the spirit cannon to get the angle right.

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Jump in and fire yourself out. You will land in the water below. Search the ocean floor nearby to find the key.

Bring the key to where you left the chest. Use the key to open the chest and free Dinger!

Dinger Key Underwater

Step 4: Free Fontaine on Old Faithful

Head back to where we decided to follow Dinger and follow Fontaine’s footsteps. You will head South for a bit and then through a small fort entrance. Along the way, you will see Fontaine’s fate unfold.

Keep going forward to another fort entrance. There you will see where the merciless skeletons—not content to only take Fontaine’s life—take Fontaine’s soul.

Aye, once again, these skellies have trapped a soul inside a chest.

Fontaine Death, Old Faithful

Follow the pair of skeleton steps until they diverge left and right again. Head right to follow the skeleton carrying the chest to dig up the chest.

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Now that you’ve secured the chest, go back to where the skeleton footprints diverged to get the key. This time, you will follow the skeleton that veered left.

Follow this skeleton’s footprints, until they disappear. You should be near a cooking fire.

Near the cooking fire there is a rock wall. On that rock wall, there is a lever. Pull that lever. When you do, a hanging cage overhead will descend. Inside that cage is a skeleton with Fontaine’s key.

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Grab that key and go back to where you left Fontaine’s chest. Unlock the chest and free Fontaine!

Click Images to Enlarge

Step 5: Free Eli Slate on Old Faithful

Go back to the scene that started it all—where the three pirates sat around a campfire before the skeletons came upon them.

Follow their fleeing footprints to the point at which the pirates first split up. This time, we will follow Captain Eli Slate. He ran to the East. Follow this steps along the East beach and up into the fort to the North.

As you follow Eli’s footprints, you will watch an epic battle unfold between Captain Eli Slate and a towering skeleton lord wielding an equally oversized blade!

Eli Slate fighting Graymarrow on Old Faithful

Although Captain Eli Slate fights valiantly, he is finally overcome. As with his crew, the skeletons steal the slain captain’s soul—entombing it in a chest.

Just like the skeletons did with Eli’s crew, one skeleton buries the chest, while another absconds with the key.

Eli Slate's Death on Old Faithful

You could simply follow the footprints to the chest’s location. However, for Eli’s chest, we get an additional clue as to its whereabouts.

Perhaps because Eli Slate is the Captain, it seems the Skeleton Lord was rather particular about where he wanted this chest buried. Near the scene of soul stashing skeletons, you will see a map drawn in the sand. On this map, an X has been marked; this is where Eli’s chest is buried.

Eli Slate's Chest Map on Old Faithful

Few pirates find this glowing sand map terribly helpful. Hopefully, we can help a bit.

The X marked on this map is located just on the other side of the fence—very near to where you are standing to look at the map. If you’re by the map and facing the fence, you will be heading to your right.

For an even closer look, click on the link below. This will take you to the map marker for Eli’s Chest. Use the plus sign on the left of the map to zoom in really close. This should help you pinpoint that chest location.

Click Images to Enlarge or  See it on the Map:

Now, it is time to retrieve Eli’s key. Return to where the skeletons stole Eli’s soul. From that scene, you will—of course—see two skeletons run off with a chest and key.

This time, follow the skeleton with the key. Eventually, this skeleton will stop running, and he will throw the key into the waters below.

Dive down and search the ocean floor. You’ll find the key approximately 10-20 feet from the water’s edge. Bring the key back to where you’ve left Eli’s chest. You can now unlock the chest and free Eli!

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Kraken’s Fall

As with Old Faithful Isle, the beach on Kraken’s Fall is where the trail begins. Pull out your lantern and raise it high to reveal the scene. You should come across a rowboat with several chests in it. Nearby is a large skeleton with a couple of smaller skeletons.

Walk up the East side of the beach and you will see a skeletons running towards the East side of the island. Head up the beach to find the three pirates sitting by the main camp on the island. With your lantern equipped, you will watch as they are startled and head inland.

Kraken's Fall, Fate of the Morningstar Beginning

Step 3: Free Dinger on Kraken’s Fall

If you follow the steps that head to the North, you will be following Dinger. Following these steps will have you climbing towards the top of the arch located on the island. This is where those nasty skeletons push Dinger off the arch and into the kraken skeleton in the water below.

Drop down from the arch into the water. You will continue to follow Dinger’s footsteps in the water until you find his body located on the South West side of the island.

Kraken's Fall Dinger's Body

The skeletons have finally caught up to Dinger and have captured his soul in a skeleton chest!

Two skeletons—one with the chest and the other with the chest’s key—will split up and distance the key from the skeleton chest in their attempt to trap the soul forever.

Follow the skeleton foot path from here to the North. This will lead you to the skeleton chest. Following the path to the North across the water and along the North beach you will finally come to the skeleton burying the chest under the giant kraken skeleton.

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Dig up the chest and head back to where the skeletons diverged. Now follow the other path of skeleton feet up the mountain. This skeleton is trying to hide the key!

Follow the steps up the mountain toward the highest peak. You will finally come to see that the skeleton put the key in a cannon and shot it out towards the East side of the island. Line up the physical cannon with the spirit one to get the angle right.

Jump in and fire yourself out. You will land in the water below. Search the ocean floor nearby to find the key.

Bring the key to where you left the chest and free Dinger! One soul freed, two more to go!

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Step 4: Free Fontaine on Kraken’s Fall

Head back to the camp where you originally found the three pirates. This time you will be following the foot steps of Fontaine who flees West towards the giant arch in the island. You will find the body of Fontaine in the cove under the arch on the West side of the island.

Kraken's Fall Fontaine's Body

From here one set of skeleton feet will head South and one will head North. Follow the ones that head North around the cove. You will soon find a skeleton burying the skeleton chest and holds the soul of Fontaine.

Click Images to Enlarge or  See it on the Map:

Dig up the chest and head back towards Fontaine’s body. From here follow the skeleton footsteps to the South. They will lead you into a small nook with a cage in it. Find the lever on the wall and lower the cage. Inside will be a skeleton holding a key.

Grab the key and go back to where you left the chest. Unlock the chest and free Fontaine. Time to save Eli!

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Step 5: Free Eli on Kraken’s Fall

Go back to where the all three pirates were running before they split. Now we will follow Eli who ran South. Follow his steps along and you will see an epic battle between him and a huge skeleton lord.

Eli Slate fighting Graymarrow on Old Faithful

Once you find Eli’s death location on the middle level of the island to the South, you will see that one skeleton ran off with a key. Before following those footsteps, check out the map behind the group of skeletons hovering over Eli.

You will notice it is a map of Kraken’s Fall just behind the group. On it will be an X. This is where the chest is buried. Fear not, we’ll give you more specifics below.

Kraken's Fall Eli's Chest

First, we’ll follow the skeleton with the key because retrieving the key will set us up nicely to find the chest. The skeleton throws they key about 10-20 feet from the edge into the water.

Dive down and search the ocean floor. You will find the key underwater here in the South East cove. Once you have recovered the key, step out on the East side.

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Once you have recovered the key, step out of the water onto the East side.

The X depicted in the Kraken’s Fall map is just East of this cove you found the key in. Locate the chest and dig it up. You can now unlock the chest to free Eli!

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Step 6: Return to the Ferryman

Time to head back to the Ferry of the Damned. In your favorite fashion, off yourself and speak to the Ferryman once aboard his ship.

You will have completed the Tall Tale and are now ready to take revenge for the Morningstar crew. Congratulations on making it one step closer to sailing towards the infamous Shores of Gold!


Journal Locations

We also have a guide to help you find all five journals for all nine Tall Tales.

To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

Follow Along

To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

Want to keep a weather eye out?

Jot down yer email, and we’ll be sure to let ye know when there’s something new on the horizon.

21 thoughts on “Sea of Thieves – The Fate of the Morningstar Tall Tale Guide”

  1. I’ve done this solo twice, I wonder if a gallon crew stayed anchored at OFI and one player at Marauders, if you could speed run this one?

  2. WolfmanKiknAzz

    So I have tried this 3x times now – each time in Step2 when we goto get the Lantern from the digging up the cophin under the old dead tree on top of the island, the Lantern drops, but we CANNOT pick it up….so we just went around and got all the lost pages to the book at this point! Unfortunately the GAME IS BROKEN right now!! Read many other threads on this same exact issue from other players!!

    1. Outstanding news, I have a new bug. On this go, I dug up and freed Eli and Fortaine is free on the ferry, and come Fortaine’s turn, the chest will not dig up, and Eli is missing. Pesky spirits swapped places! Dinger was freed without hassle.

      1. I know there are some issues if more than one crew is running the Tall Tale at the same time. We ran into this a week or so ago where some souls were missing on the Ferry even though we released them.

      2. Had same problem, followed quest around to krakens fall, found both Dinger and Fortaine without problems, but after 2 hours of digging around the area where Eli were supposed to be i gave up and i was 100% sure i was at the right place. :/

        1. We will be updating the guide with the new Kraken’s Fall locations very soon! Sorry to hear you ran into that issue. We also had difficulty the first run locating the chest.

          1. Thank you so much for the kind words 🙂 We really appreciate it and love hearing that the great pirates of this community find them useful.

            We just added the Kraken’s Fall portion to the Fate of the Morningstar guide as well as to the interactive map. Good luck on your journey towards grabbing that epic Gold Curse!

  3. I honestly would pay money for this valuable tool. The map locations and advice and everything else I get from this is so well done! Bravo on your hard work!! We solo sloopers thank you!

    With all the trolling directed at us we would be screwed without this app.

    The Real Dread Pirate Roberts

  4. I’m doing this fate of the morning star, and I have the latern on krakens fall but there are no footprints at all, noone at the tent. I check the whole island. Idk what I’m missing

    1. If your Tall Tale book says to hunt for the souls on Kraken’s Fall, the footprints should start on the North side of the island. Are you sure you are not supposed to be at Old Faithful Isle?

  5. Having issues with finding Eli’s chest with that garbage map for Kraken Falls. Can someone give me an approximate location, because I’ve dug up the whole beach and found nothing.

  6. Had the same problem it’s in the area where the x is but it’s in the Bush bit north of that area is your lantern and you’ll see the skeleton in the Bush

  7. Wow you the people that make these please keep making these every event it really makes my life easier than having to figure out the pain and suffering of 10 hours just for one tall tale and finding the damn journals; so thankyou

  8. Umm…was there an update? Yep, it’s me again – the late Tall Take do-er. It’s not Eli for me anymore, instead it says Slate. Slate does what Eli does – dies in battle. But…umm…I never saw a rowboat with chests or Graymarrow either. I also find this one kinda confusing, I follow their footsteps, but then I only get a chest from Dinger and a key from Fontaine and nothing for Eli/Slate and I mix the keys for each up….please help.

    P.S. Your guides are great, Amir, keep it up 🏴‍☠️ !

    P.P.S. I’m a solo slooper, so I try to do everything myself most of the time if I’m not in an alliance.

    P.P.P.S. Can you do a…well, not really a guide but…a “thing” on Secrets and Easter Eggs on the Seas.

    P.P.P.P.S. Can you post a video of a walkthrough of the whole Shores of Gold (9 Tall Tales) ?

    P.P.P.P.P.S. If you’re Xbox, add ‘Incredibles3’. I might just make up as the Pirate Lord when he…umm…well, trapping a soul to prevent them returning via F.O.T.D. isn’t really “appropriate” in this particular guide (oh Graymarrow would be proud of me)…ah, got the word – retires. Yes, that’s…better.

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