Season 14

Sea of Thieves

Season 14: Pirates of Mischief

updated as needed

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Pirates across the Sea of Thieves are making mischief as Season 14 introduces a variety of stealth mechanics. These mischievous gameplay enhancements include concealing your identity while slowly crouching, adorning a disguise that makes you look like a Chest of Legends, and setting spring-loaded traps loaded with Green Cursed Cannonballs!

The new weapons, tools, and Resources in Season 14 will surely give you a leg up in your next ambush or a grand heist!


The Blowpipe is a new projectile loadout weapon you can equip from any Armoury as one of your two loadout weapons. It can fire three types of Darts, each with different effects. The three different Darts are the Black Powder Dart, Poison Dart, and Lure Dart.

You can carry four Darts for each type of Dart for a total of 12 Darts. Once you run out of Darts, you can blow into your Blowpipe like a musical instrument!

You can shoot Darts into almost any surface, including pirates, Skeletons, Phantoms, Ocean Crawlers, and fauna. The Darts don’t disappear right away and will stay active until they eventually disappear after a short time or are destroyed. You can also have multiple Darts active in the world simultaneously, allowing you to take advantage of the different Dart types.

The Blowpipe is much more silent than other loadout weapons. Along with the Blowpipe’s stealthy attributes, you can charge your shot, changing the distance the Dart will travel.

For even more on Blowpipes and Blowpipe Darts, check out our dedicated guide here!


Black Powder Dart

The Black Powder Dart is a combat-focused Dart that can damage pirates and other enemies with a small explosion. It has a small fuse that lights when it hits a surface. The Dart will explode once the fuse burns up, dealing damage and setting fire to anything around it. It can even set off other Black Powder Darts or Gunpowder Barrels nearby!

The Black Powder Dart cannot damage ships. However, it does knock ships around with some light Knockback.

If you are quick enough, you can defuse a Black Powder Dart with water from a bucket, the Horn of Fair Winds, or by jumping in the sea.

Poison Dart

The Poison Dart is another combat-focused Dart that can Poison pirates and other enemies with Snake venom. Like a Snake bite, the Poison will deal damage over time until the Dart expires or is destroyed.

You can’t stack the effect of the Poison Dart. Shooting your target with multiple Darts will just extend the time the Poison deals damage.

If you get stuck with a Poison Dart, you can have a crewmate damage it while on your pirate to destroy it and prevent it from doing further damage.

Lure Dart

The Lure Dart is a trap-focused Dart that glints like treasure from afar. Upon impact, the Lure Dart will glint a random color, resembling the glint of treasure from a distance. While you might be lucky enough to fool another pirate into making their way to the Dart hoping to find treasure, the Lure Dart is most effective against Skeletons, Phantoms, and Ocean Crawlers.

The Lure Dart can draw enemies to it, allowing you to bunch up several foes in a close area. The enemies will start to destroy the Lure Dart, so you’ll only have a short time to take advantage of the Dart’s ability to distract them.

If not destroyed, the Lure Dart can last up to five minutes. Again, if you get stuck with one, you can have a crewmate or other enemy, like a Skeleton, destroy it for you or take a quick trip to the Ferry of the Damned!

You can lure enemies to Gunpowder Barrels, Traps, or other favorable positions, even other enemies!! So, for example, you could stick a Skeleton holding a Gunpowder Barrel with a Lure Dart to have other Skeletons attack it, potentially causing the Skeleton to hit the Gunpowder Barrel, creating a giant explosion.

Grapple Gun

The Grapple Gun is a new traversal loadout weapon you can equip from any Armoury as one of your two loadout weapons. It can fire a rope with an arrowhead attached to it. Depending on the surface you Grapple, you can Harpoon an object and reel it in, or you will Grapple an object and propel toward it.

If you Grapple treasure or other pirates, you will reel them to you with the Grapple Gun, similar to the Harpoon on your ship.

If you Grapple rocks, beaches, ships, or other solid surfaces, you will propel towards it. You will perform a small jump at the end of the Grapple, allowing you to vault onto ledges. However, you won’t perform this small jump when you Grapple ships, making it harder to board them with the Grapple Gun.

Grappling enemies such as Skeletons, Phantoms, and Ocean Crawlers will deal a small amount of damage, similar to the Harpoon on your ship.

Each time you fire the Grapple Gun, it uses up an arrowhead that you must reload. Like all loadout weapons, you can restock your arrowheads with Ammo Crates, Armouries, or Ammo Pouches. You can carry five arrowheads at once.

To learn more about the Grapple Gun, you can head over to our Grapple Guide guide here!

Grapple Gun



Traps are a new type of Throwable you can find in Resource Barrels, Rowboats, and Storage Crates across the Sea of Thieves. Once you find a Trap, you can use it by throwing it down on any flat surface, including on islands and ships. Traps are spring-loaded and will unfold, arming themselves automatically after being thrown.

When any pirate, including yourself or other enemy, walks over a Trap, it springs shut to cause damage and a brief limp. Traps are single-use Throwables, so you can’t use the same Trap more than once. Once triggered, it is destroyed.

You can load items into active Traps to enhance them, including items that will deal additional damage, such as Firebombs and Blunderbombs. When someone triggers the Trap, they will also trigger the item loaded into it.

To load items into an active Trap, you must be Crouched and within range to interact with it. You can load Fireworks, Blunderbombs, Green Cursed Cannonballs, Bone Caller, and Fireworks.

While you are Crouched, you can also Disarm active Traps. If you have room in your inventory, you will pick up the Trap for yourself.

You can also partially bury Traps with your Shovel, making them harder to spot. Buried Traps will still deal the same damage and trigger any loaded item they have.

While you can carry more than two Traps at a time, you can only have two active Traps simultaneously.

Disarm Trap


Crouching in the Sea of Thieves lets you lower your pirate’s profile and move discreetly on land or ship to avoid detection. You can also access several stealth mechanics, such as disarming Traps and using a Disguise while Crouched.

You can toggle Crouching with a simple button press and remap the button in Settings. While Crouched, the Nameplate above your head will disappear, similar to if you were using a Hide Emote. However, unlike Hide Emotes, you can move around while Crouched. Your footsteps are also quieter, making you almost undetectable by enemies like Skeletons, Phantoms, and Ocean Crawlers. You’ll just need to keep out of their line of vision to remain undetected.

While you can’t use any items or interact with the world while you are Crouched, you can still pick up treasure and store it on your back, similar to how you use a ladder. You can also take Resources from Resource Barrels while Crouched!

To find out everything there is to know about Crouching, head on over here to our dedicated Crouching guide!

Crouching in Galleon

Hanging Spots


Each ship, including Skeleton Ships, has several locations on its deck that you and other pirates can hang over. While Crouched, you can interact with the specific point to hang over the ledge. You will switch to a third-person perspective as your pirate vaults over the edge and hangs by their hands. Being in a third-person perspective allows you to monitor the ship’s deck.

When you are hanging, you can climb back aboard the ship or drown down. You will also be forced off the ledge and fall into the sea if you take any damage.

While you are hanging, your Nameplate will remain hidden, just like when you were Crouched.

Hanging over ledges doesn’t only apply to ships, either! There are locations on islands throughout the Sea of Thieves that you can also hang from.

Hanging from Ledge


Not only can you hang over ledges while Crouched, but you can also use Disguises! Disguises allow you to hide in plain sight as your pirate takes the form of various Chests and even a Resource Barrel.

Disguises are separate from Emotes as you can only access them while Crouched, and you can move while in Disguise. However, your feet will pop out of the bottom of the Chest or Barrel while you move, making it a risky maneuver.

Disguises are identical to the object they are mimicking and will sway with the ship’s movement on the sea like the real object.

When another pirate looks at a Disguised pirate, they will see a prompt to pick up the Chest as if it were a real Chest. However, any interaction with a Disguise, such as picking up, damaging, or harpooning, will cancel the Disguise and reveal the real pirate! Damage from other sources, such as lightning, Megalodons, and Krakens, will also break the Disguise.

While Crouched, pull up your Item Radial to see your Disguise Radial with the different Disguises you have unlocked. By default, every pirate will have the Sailor’s Chest Disguise and Barrel Disguise. You can unlock and purchase even more by completing various Pirates of Mischief Commendations.

Check out our detailed article on Disguises here for even more details!

Barrel Disguise


A Mermaid in the water is usually a big giveaway that you might be attempting to get the jump on a rival crew. Lucky for you, you can now use the Merfruit’s magic ability to prevent a Mermaid from appearing and blowing your cover.

To suppress your Mermaid, you must first find a Merfruit. You can find Merfruit randomly in Resource Barrels, Rowboats, and Storage Crates across the sea. Once you find one, cook it to enhance the Merfruit and unlock its unique ability.

When fully cooked, the Merfruit will turn into Enchanted Merfruit and temporarily prevent your Mermaid from appearing after you eat it. The Enchanted Merfruit’s ability lasts for about two minutes.

Even though you suppress your Mermaid, other pirates, including your crewmates, will still have their Mermaids appear if they don’t eat an Enchanted Merfruit. You can take these Mermaids that don’t belong to you back to your ship if you need them.

For even more on Merfruit, you can check out our Merfruit article here!

Cooking Merfruit

To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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