Suppose you want to sneak around your enemies rather than take them head-on. In that case, you have several abilities to take advantage of, such as Crouching, Hanging from Ledges, and, most importantly, wearing Disguises! Unlike the various Hide Emotes, which require you to stay still, Disguises allow you to hide amongst treasure and barrels while still being able to move and remain hidden!
What are Disguises?
Disguises allow you to appear and behave as various Chests or a Resource Barrel while hiding your Nameplate and still being able to move. Your appearance while in Disguise will look identical to the object you are pretending to be. While in Disguise on a ship, you will even move with the vessel as it rocks and bumps against the ocean, making it easier to blend in.
If a pirate hovers over you while in Disguise, they will see the same prompt as if you were the real object. So, if you are a Chest, they will see a prompt to “Pick up Chest,” and if you are a Barrel, they will see a prompt to “Open Barrel.” However, as soon as they interact with the prompt, they will force you out of your Disguise.

As for your physical presence, other pirates will walk right through you as if you were a real Chest and bump into you like a genuine Resource Barrel.
Disguises are separate from Emotes, as you can only access Disguises while you are Crouched. The Hide Emotes and Barrel Disguise Emote will still be available in your Emotes Radial if you want to use those instead.
Every pirate automatically has access to two Disguises and can unlock more by completing specific Commendations. The two Disguises everyone has are the Sailor’s Chest and the Barrel Disguise.
After you unlock more Disguises, you can purchase them at any Clothing Shop and equip them with the Vanity Chest. Adding Disguises works similarly to adding Emotes.

How do you use Disguises?
To use a Disguise, you must first be Crouched. Once you are Crouched, you can pull up the Disguise Radial by holding the Left Bumper on the Controller or the Q Key on the Keyboard. While Crouched, the Disguise Radial replaces your Item Radial.
From the Disguise Radial, you can select which Disguise you want to use.

Once you equip your Disguise, your pirate will turn into the Disguise you chose. However, unlike Emotes, you can move around in your Disguise. Your pirate will stick out their feet from the bottom while moving and retract them when you stop moving.
While you will move much slower than if you were walking without a Disguise, you can still slowly creep around while staying hidden.
Not only can you trick other pirates while in Disguise, but you can also hide from Skeletons, Phantoms, Ocean Crawlers, and other enemies who are not already chasing you.
Taking damage from an enemy will break you out of the Disguise and reveal your pirate. Other pirates can also take you out of your Disguise if they try to interact with you by picking you up, opening you, or Harpooning you.
You cannot use a Disguise while in water or walk into water while wearing a Disguise. Falling while in Disguise will also stop your Disguise, so be mindful of nearby drops! However, you can walk up and down stairs if you need to move around a ship while in Disguise.
You can stop using your Disguise by jumping or disengaging.

Can other pirates pick you up while in Disguise?
If another pirate looks at you while you are in Disguise of a Chest they will see a prompt to pick up the Chest. However, as soon as they try they will force you from hiding and break your Disguise.

What are all the Disguises?
In addition to the two Disguises you automatically have, you can unlock and purchase eight more by progressing through specific Commendations. The Disguises you can unlock are for rare Chests, making it even harder for your enemies to spot you.
The Disguises you can unlock are:
- Treasure Chest
- Coral Marauder’s Chest
- King’s Chest
- Sea Master’s Chest
- Stronghold Chest
- Chest of the Damned
- Chest of Legends
- Chest of Fortune
To learn how to unlock each one, you can head over to our dedicated guide on how to unlock every Disguise!