If you’re looking to complete the commendation ‘Raising the Dead,’ then you’ve likely already completed at least one commendation in Sailor’s Grave.
If so, then you know that ‘Raising the Dead’ belongs to a set of six commendations that must be completed sequentially in one grand adventure!
The set includes the following commendations, in this order:
- A Powerful Thirst
- Raising the Dead
- Treasure for the Dead
- Ship of Thieves
- Secret of the Grave
- The Crew of the Headless Monkey
Technically, you could complete ‘A Powerful Thirst’ after ‘Treasure for the Dead.’ However, you must at least complete ‘Raising the Dead’ before ‘Treasure for the Dead,’ savvy?
If you’ve not yet completed ‘Raising the Dead,’ then let’s get you where you need to be: The Guide for ‘Raising the Dead.’
If you’re not sailing over to the article below, fantastic! Let’s be on our way!

Wait, should I bring the Cursed Captain?
Like the previous two commendations—’A Powerful Thirst’ and ‘Raising the Dead’—you won’t need to bring the Cursed Captain on your journey.
You can bring him along to enjoy his commentary. Just remember, you’ll need at least one set of hands to carry Poor Dougie’s Chest.
So, if you’re on a solo adventure, you might just leave the Cursed Captain where he is for the time being.

The Starting Point for 'Treasure for the Dead'
Begin your quest for this commendation right where you finished ‘Raising the Dead.’ Standing over Poor Dougie, you should see a nearby item prompting you to action.

Step 1: Light Poor Dougie's Lantern
Next to Poor Dougie, you should see a lantern with the prompt ‘Light Lantern.’
Once you light the lantern, Poor Dougie will come to life, telling you his tale of abject woe. It seems Poor Dougie was robbed of his treasure, and stuffed in the dirt.
To complete this commendation, you must find Poor Dougie’s treasure chest and bring it back him.
Ah, but where might you even start looking? Poor Dougie doesn’t give you many clues, but he does mention a treasure map.

Step 2: Find Poor Dougie's Treasure Map
If you’ve poked and prodded around Sailor’s Grave a bit, you might recall seeing a treasure map. If not, follow us!
Walk back to the Cursed Captain’s cage. If we were to just say “continue on this path” you would likely follow along as it curved to the right—heading toward the center of the halved ship.
Instead, “continue on this path by veering to your left.” Soon you should see a wooden foot path.
Follow that wooden foot path as it curves around to the front of the halved ship. There you’ll see a little set of stairs leading up to a door in the hull.
Don’t worry. You won’t need a key. Someone has left this door unlocked!
Open the door to enter a beloved scene from Pirates of the Caribbean—the pajama clad skeleton looking at a map.

Step 3: Take a Peek at the Map
Walk on over to the skeleton.
Although the skeleton holds a magnifying glass, it’s not really pointed at the map. Move the arm to properly focus that magnifying glass.
The magnifying glass now points to a particular area on the map, but this map is supposed to show us where to dig for buried treasure. That’s a rather large area to be digging around aimlessly.
Let’s see if we can shed a bit more light on the subject.

Step 4: Take the Stairs
Scanning about the room, you’ll soon notice an opening to some stairs.
There’s a door at the top of those stairs, but don’t worry—just like the front door—you won’t need a key to get it open.
Open the door to step out onto a terrace.

Step 5: Light the Torches
Walking along the terrace you’ll soon see a little torch with the prompt “Requires Lantern.” Go ahead and light that torch.
A few paces ahead, you’ll see another torch. Aye, light that one, too.
Continue around the terrace and you’ll see the third and final torch. Once you’ve lit that torch, come back down to the bedchamber.

Step 6: Let the Light In
Coming back into the bedchamber, it doesn’t look much different. Even worse, if you look at the map, it is no different either.
Looking up to where the light should be pouring in, you’ll see the problem. The drapes are closed.
Follow their ropes with your eyes until you find what controls them: a pulley. Use that pulley and pull back those drapes.

Step 7: Find the X on the Map
Now when you look at the map, there is a red X.
Inspecting the surroundings a bit, you can see a square sign swinging from the bow of a shipwreck. That looks a bit like the tavern entrance, yes?
If you use your spyglass, you can get an even better idea of where to shove your shovel.
The map shows two pathways: one leading out of the tavern, and one that looks like it is veering off toward the back of a ship.
If you’ve completed ‘A Powerful Thirst’ you’ll likely recognize this as the path to the gambling den.
Aye! So, the treasure chest is likely somewhere between those two paths, just outside the tavern entrance!

Step 8: Find Poor Dougie's Chest
Head over to the Tavern. Since you’ve already been to the tavern on several occasions leading up to this commendation, we trust you know the way.
Once you’re standing outside the tavern entrance, look for that space between the walkway leading out of the tavern and the walkway leading toward the gambling den.
There’s a rather conspicuous looking torch in that space. You might want to try digging around there first.
Aye, basking in the glow of that eerie green flame, you should soon hear that satisfying thunk of treasure beneath your shovel!

Step 9: Take Poor Dougie's Chest back to Him
Head back to the docks where Poor Dougie is awaiting your return.
Give Poor Dougie his chest. This will wake him up, and hopefully lift his spirits!

Congratulations! You've Completed the Commendation: Treasure for the Dead.
Well done, me hearties!
Shortly after handing Poor Dougie his chest, you should see yourself rewarded with the commendation ‘Treasure for the Dead.’
If you’re considering completing the remaining commendations in another session at sea, remember:
These commendations build on each other.
So, if you would like to complete the next commendation in another session, then—in that next session—you would need to first dig up Poor Dougie again, bring Dougie his chest again, and complete ‘A Powerful Thirst.’
Only then will you be able to continue to the next commendation: ‘Ship of Thieves.’
You can likely already see one reason why you’d need to repeat those steps. After you’ve given Poor Dougie his chest, he’ll give you his key to unlock it. You’ll need the contents of that chest for ‘Ship of Thieves.’
Aye, seeing as this means you likely want to continue with this commendation adventure, let’s begin the ‘Ship of Thieves.’