Legendary Storyteller Book Cover

Sea of Thieves

The Legendary Storyteller Journals—Locations and Text

updated as needed

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The lore in the Legendary Storyteller centers on Briggsy’s adventures—all told through the eyes of a child. Aye, your Tall Tale book is scrawled in the endearingly clumsy hand of young Tasha.

By contrast, the Legendary Storyteller journals are a bit more mature—and a bit more foreboding. The first four of these journals were penned by Briggsy herself; the fifth penned by one of her victims.

Here you’ll find the locations and text for each Journal in The Legendary Storyteller.

The locations will help you unlock the commendation for reading all five journals. The text will be here for you to reference in the future. After all, it is doubtful that this will be the last we hear from Briggsy.

Since you likely made your way to this page in hopes of finding the journals, we will begin with the locations.

The Legendary Storyteller Journal Commendation

Where are The Legendary Storyteller Journals?

These journals appear only if the Legendary Storyteller Tall Tale is active!

So, you’ll want to grab a tankard of grog over at the tavern on Ancient Spire Outpost. There you’ll find Tasha. She’s all grown up, but her childhood memories are preserved in a book sitting atop the bar.

Starting the Legendary Storyteller with Tasha

The Location for The Legendary Storyteller Journal #1:

This journal will be next to the final location for the “Smallest Boat” story: Lone Cove.

If you swim along the North side of the island, you’ll soon find the mouth of a coastal cave. Head deep into that cave and you’ll soon find it opens into a small cavern.

You’ll find the journal in this cavern on a rock platform. Perhaps someone wrote it by the azure glow of those nearby mushrooms.

Legendary Storyteller Journal #1 on Lone Cove
See the journal’s location on your map:

The Location for The Legendary Storyteller Journal #2:

This journal is on the same island as the Fish Friends story: Mermaid’s Hideaway.

A fantastic place to host a fish fry, there are several campfires on Mermaid’s Hideaway. To find the journal, you’ll want to find the campfire on the Northwest beach.

Next to the campfire, you’ll see a busted barrel. Inside the busted barrel, you’ll see the journal.

Legendary Storyteller Journal #2 on Mermaid's Hideaway
See the journal’s location on your map:

The Location for The Legendary Storyteller Journal #3:

Sail on over to the Southwest edge of your map. There you’ll find a small island, whose beaches harbor one large shipwreck: Old Salts Atoll.

Climb on up to the front of that ship’s wrecked hull. The journal you seek is tucked in a little hole toward the top of the bow.

Legendary Storyteller Journal #3 on Old Salt's Atoll
See the journal’s location on your map:

The Location for The Legendary Storyteller Journal #4:

This journal is among the easiest to find. Simply sail over to Dagger Tooth Outpost, and head into the Tavern.

Before you belly up to the bar, turn right. There, against the wall, you’ll see a bookshelf with several seemingly unassuming books. Ah, but one of those books is the journal you seek!

Legendary Storyteller Journal #4 on Dagger Tooth
See the journal’s location on your map:

The Location for The Legendary Storyteller Journal #5:

This journal is also at an outpost—Galleon’s Grave—but it’s a bit more difficult to reach.

First you must get to the very top of that wrecked ship.

How to Reach the Ship atop Galleon’s Grave:

If you’ve never deigned to reach the ship on Galleon’s Grave, you’re in for a treat. Most of the island’s resources can be found along the route.

If you’re standing at the edge of the dock, facing the tavern, head up the hill on your left.

Once you reach the clothing shop, continue heading along the path as it veers up the hill and to the right. As you do, you’ll see how the path winds through the rock and leads to a bit of scaffolding.

Turn right and you’ll begin your ascent. Feel free to stop at the barrels along the way. Just continue climbing the ladders until you reach the top of the shipwreck.

How to Reach the Journal in the Cage on Galleon’s Grave:

Now that you’ve reached the top of that shipwreck, you’ll notice there are two cages dangling from the wrecked bowsprit. The journal is in the higher of those two cages.

Here’s how we reached it:

Walk to the point of the bowsprit, just above the lower of the two cages. You should be able to look towards the cage and read the journal from the bowsprit. If not, you’ll need to get closer.

Steel your nerve, and ever-so-carefully tip-toe backward off the bowsprit.

You should land on the cage and—importantly—facing the cage and the journal inside.

Of course, if you weren’t facing the cage, you could turn your pirate around. However, we find the less movement the better while on this precarious perch.

Precarious though it may be, you should be able to read the journal before you make your descent.

Hopefully, you grabbed a bit of fruit from those barrels on your way up. You might need them on your way down.

Legendary Storyteller Journal #5 on Galleon's Grave
See the journal’s location on your map:

What do The Legendary Storyteller Journals Say?

The Text for The Legendary Storyteller Journal #1:

The journal is titled, “A funny little rumour”

It reads:

Started keeping a diary again. It doesn’t beat telling my tales in a busy tavern, but it’ll do for now.
Besides, it’s time for another adventure. The yearning’s back, deep in my belly. Time to sail again.
Lucky me, overhearing the girl with the merfolk earrings. A Shroudbreaker? Sounds like fun! 
If what she said is true, I should take a scout around Mermaid’s Hideaway. Just in case…
Legendary Storyteller Journal #1 on Lone Cove

The Text for The Legendary Storyteller Journal #2:

The journal is titled, “I know where it is!”

It reads:

As I hoped, the pirate I overheard stashed a map to the Shroudbreaker here. I’m sure she won’t mind me borrowing it!
All those new places beyond the Shroud! I can’t wait to make my mark on them, so everyone knows I got there first.
It’s so stormy though… I stashed some vittles in the wreck at Old Salts Atoll, so I’ll hole up there for tonight.
Then tomorrow, I’m off to claim my prize. I just need to work out how to open the vault…
I know where it is! Journal

The Text for The Legendary Storyteller Journal #3:

The journal is titled, “I need to go alone…”

It reads:

This place reeks worse than the drinking den where I tell my stories, but at least it’s warm and dry. It’ll do!
I can’t wait to see that little girl’s face when I tell her Briggsy made it to the Shores of Gold.
Not sure I can risk bringing Sudds along. He means well, but it’s a long voyage and he’s not exactly nimble.
I hope he’ll understand… Well, the storm’s easing off. Time to snatch myself a Shroudbreaker!
Legendary Storyteller Journal #3 on Old Salts Atoll

The Text for The Legendary Storyteller Journal #4:

The journal is titled, “I can’t go back…”

It reads:

They say you should be careful what you wish for. The greatest voyage of my life, and this is how it ends…
Boneheads don’t attack me now. They just stand and stare, like they’re expecting… What? Orders? From me?
I can feel a darkness in my heart. I want to lash out, like I did to that Naughty Man at Galleon’s Grave.
I’m so, SO glad that girl can’t see me like this. I don’t want her to hear this story. My last story…
I… I don’t want her to know I’m a monster…
Legendary Storyteller Journal #4 on Dagger Tooth

The Text for The Legendary Storyteller Journal #5:

The journal is titled, “To Whoever Finds This…”

It reads:

Kareen, my love, I hope you never read this. Today I made the worst mistake of my life.
I was such an idiot. I recognised her livery on the horizon and thought I’d pick a fight with the famous Briggsy.
It wasn’t her! Well it was, but cursed! Her flesh mostly rotted away, and so fierce. Like a wild animal.
She didn’t kill me, only threw me in a cage. She said starving my way onto the ferry would teach me a lesson.
I’m so hungry, and this is so cruel! I don’t know what Briggsy is now, Kareen. I just know she isn’t human any more.
Legendary Storyteller Journal #5 on Galleon's Grave


Upon finding all five journals throughout the Sea of Thieves, you’ll unlock the commendation: The Lady Behind the Mask.

More importantly, you’ve gotten a glimpse into Briggsy’s transformation: how it terrified her and any who stood in her way.

Note: if that commendation still looks locked, don’t worry. Exit the page, and take a few deep breaths as you let the magic do its work.
After about three breaths, try again. Sometimes it just needs to reset to account for your most recent adventures at sea.

To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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2 thoughts on “The Legendary Storyteller Tall Tale Journals, Locations and Text”

  1. How could I find these journals by myself? Well, OK , I found the 1st, 2nd and 3rd journals. But how I need to find the last journals ? Just exploring all taverns ? Or what ?

  2. just so you know you dont have to jump off the bowsprist at all for the galleons grave journal, you can reach the read prompt from standing a bit further down

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