Trading Company Voyages

Sea of Thieves

Voyages On Demand

updated as needed

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Some of the best experiences in Sea of Thieves are unplanned. While you might set sail intending to take down a wanted Skeleton Captain, you’ll likely get distracted during your journey by the valuable hull of a nearby shipwreck, the contents of a Message in a Bottle, or an aggressive rival crew!

However, sometimes, you only have a short moment to complete your desired task. Fortunately, to achieve your timely mission with few distractions, you can use your ship’s Quest Table to quickly travel below the waves and resurface at the start of any Voyage!

How do Voyages On Demand work?

You no longer have to purchase, store, and manage your Voyages. And if you are a Captain, you no longer have to juggle your Voyage inventory in your Captain’s Bookshelf.

Instead, you can select and start any Voyage you’ve unlocked using your ship’s Quest Table for free and as many times as you like. Not only that, but you can either sail to the Voyage’s destination or dive beneath the waves to emerge at Voyage’s destination immediately.

Previously, you would purchase Voyages from the Trading Companies and have little control over how much time the Voyage would take and what kind of treasure the Voyage would reward.

With the Quest Table, you can see every Voyage you’ve unlocked and those you have yet to unlock, how long the Voyage will take, and what kind of rewards you can expect to receive.

You can now set sail with better expectations regarding the amount of time you invest and the rewards you can expect in your adventures.

Using the Quest Table to start Voyages on demand allows you to play what you want when you want.

Quest Tables Voyages

Sailing vs. Diving

When starting a Voyage On Demand, you can either ‘Sail’ or ‘Dive’ to the Quest.

If you choose ‘Sail to Quest,’ you’ll raise anchor, lower your sails, and navigate to the Quest’s destination.

However, if you choose ‘Dive to Quest,’ you’ll raise anchor, lower your sails, and sail to the open sea. As soon as you are clear of any nearby islands or danger, you’ll dive beneath the waves and quickly surface at the Quest’s destination.

While diving is quicker than sailing, there is one downside to traveling beneath the water. You will lose any treasure aboard your ship when you dive beneath the waves. You can only take your ship’s Resources, Resource Crates, and Emissary Flag.

Since you can’t take any loot, diving is a great way to start your sailing session. You can stock up at an Outpost and get straight to the action!

If you want to stack your loot, you’ll want to continue to choose ‘Sail to Quest’ as you start Voyages.

There is also a cooldown for diving to Voyages, so you can’t dive consecutively in a short period. You’ll need to wait ten minutes before diving again or finish your Voyage, whichever comes first.

Dive to Quest

Trading Company Voyages

When browsing each Trading Company’s Voyages, you’ll find them categorized into various archetypes.

Within each archetype are different Voyages, each with varying lengths and rewards. The Voyages also differ by region, with an Ashen variant for most.

All the Voyages contain new Trading Company-related treasure and involve less sailing, digging, and killing. Although Quests require you to retrieve fewer pieces of loot, the individual pieces are of higher value.

You’ll also receive a small amount of Trading Company Reputation for completing Voyages for the Trading Company.

Gold Hoarders

While browsing the Gold Hoarder Voyages, you’ll see the Voyages categorized into the following archetypes:

  • Buried Treasure
  • Riddle
  • Treasure Vault
  • Medley
  • Raid Voyages

Order of Souls

While browsing the Order of Souls Voyages, you’ll see the Voyages categorized into the following archetypes:

  • Bounty
  • Ghost Ship Battle
  • Medley
  • Raid Voyages

Merchant Alliance

While browsing the Merchant Alliance Voyages, you’ll see the Voyages categorized into the following archetypes:

  • Merchant Contract
  • Cargo Run
  • Lost Shipment
  • Medley
  • Raid Voyages

Athena's Fortune

While browsing the Athena’s Fortune Voyages, you’ll see the Voyages categorized into the following archetypes:

  • Legend of the Veil
  • Voyage of Legends
  • Legendary Search
  • Raid Voyages

Medley Voyages

The three core Trading Companies offer Medley Voyages, which provide longer experiences. These Voyages contain several Quests you must finish to complete the overall Voyage.

For example, the Gold Hoarder Medley contains a Wayfinder Voyage, an X Marks the Spot Voyage, and a Riddle Voyage.

Raid Voyages

Raid Voyages offer you the ability to start a World Event on demand. The Raid Voyages are Trading Company specific, so when you vote for one, the World Event rewards will be related to a particular Trading Company.

You can only dive to Raid Voyages, so as soon as you vote for one and sail to open water, you will dive beneath the waves and emerge right in front of the World Event you chose on a new server.

For an in-depth look at how Raid Voyages work, check out our dedicated guide to Raid Voyages here!

To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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