
Sea of Thieves

Treasure Vault Locations

updated as needed

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There are a total of eight Treasure Vaults tucked away in the Sea of Thieves. To open one of them, you’ll need to acquire a Stone, Silver or Gold Vault Key.

You see, Treasure Vaults can only be opened by their corresponding Vault Key. Vault Keys are small statues that are carved to represent various symbols found throughout the Sea of Thieves. Currently, they can only be found by completing a Golden Wayfinder voyage.

The tier of key, Stone, Silver or Gold will prepare you for the amount of gold you can expect in the Treasure Vault. Stone Keys will open Vaults with the least amount of treasure while Gold Keys will open Vaults with the most. If you find a Gold variant of a Vault Key you can expect to crack open a Vault overflowing with treasure!

Depending on the symbol the Vault Key represents, you’ll know the exact island the Treasure Vault can be found on. The Key will also have the island in the name of the Vault Key.

Below are the eight different Treasure Vault Keys:

  • Devil’s Ridge Stone/Silver/Gold Key
  • Uncharted Island Stone/Silver/Gold Key
  • Crescent Isle Stone/Silver/Gold Key
  • Crook’s Hollow Stone/Silver/Gold Key
  • Mermaid’s Hideaway Stone/Silver/Gold Key
  • Kraken’s Fall Stone/Silver/Gold Key
  • Fetcher’s Rest Stone/Silver/Gold Key
  • Ashen Reaches Stone/Silver/Gold Key
Devil's Ridge Gold Key

Locating the Treasure Vault

Once on the island it can be tricky to find the exact location of the Treasure Vault. Even harder can be finding the lock you must put the Vault Key in that opens the vault door.

Each Vault Key has an inscription you can read that will give you a clue to the whereabouts of the Treasure Vault it belongs to.

If you are still having difficultly locating the Treasure Vault, you’ll find a detailed explanation to the location of each Treasure Vault and its lock for the Vault Key.

Treasure Vault on Devil’s Ridge (Boar Vault Key)

The boar cowers in sand beneath the vast cliff on the island’s east beach

The Treasure Vault on Devil’s Ridge is an easier vault to locate. Head to the South East beach of the island and look for the boar head rock paintings. The Vault Key’s lock is just off to the lefthand side of the cluster of boar head rock paintings.

Place your Devil’s Ridge Vault Key in the lock and the Treasure Vault will open!

Devil's Ridge Ancient Vault
See the vault’s location on your map:

Treasure Vault on the Uncharted Island at N13 (Crab Vault Key)

Those familiar with the underwater cave on the Uncharted Island at N13 will easily be able to locate this Treasure Vault. Those unfamiliar might find it tricky to find.

Once you are at the Uncharted Island, head to the West side of it. You’ll spot a large red plant near the water. Dive under water next to that red plant and you will see an underwater tunnel.

Head inside the tunnel and follow it until you reach the surface inside an underwater cave.

Inside this cave you will see a workbench with several crab rock paintings behind it. On the wall with the rock paintings you will find the Treasure Vault’s lock. Place your Vault Key there and the Treasure Vault will open.

Uncharted Island N13 Ancient Vault
See the vault’s location on your map:

Treasure Vault on Crescent Isle (Moon Vault Key)

The moon shines bright within the island’s large cave

This Treasure Vault can be found on Crescent Isle inside the Northern cave in the middle of the island.

To get there, enter into the island’s center archway from the East and turn right to enter the Northern cave. Walk inside and quickly turn to the right yet again so you are now facing East.

You will spot a few rock paintings of moons and a torch on the East wall. This is where you will find the lock for the Treasure Vault. Place your Moon Vault Key in the lock to open the entrance to the vault.

Crescent Isle Ancient Vault
See the vault’s location on your map:

Treasure Vault on Crook’s Hollow (Scarab Vault Key)

The scarab hides in the cave near the island’s tears

You’ll find the Treasure Vault on Crook’s Hollow in the largest of the caves found on the South side of the island.

Just West of the waterfall that covers the East exit of the Southern cave is the Treasure Vault. It is located on the South side of the cave near several scarab rock paintings.

If you are facing South and looking at the cave wall with the rock paintings, you will find the lock for the vault to the right. Place your Scarab Vault Key in the vault lock to open it up.

Crook's Hollow Ancient Vault
See the vault’s location on your map:

Treasure Vault on Mermaid’s Hideaway (Snake Vault Key)

The snake slithers in sand under the island’s grand archway

The Treasure Vault on Mermaid’s Hideaway can be found on the Northern shores of the island. Head to the North West side of the island underneath the arch. Here you will see plenty of snake rock paintings to let you know you are in the right spot.

Across from the wall where the Treasure Vault will open is where you will find the lock. You’ll find it on the base of the arch on the West side. After you place the Snake Vault Key, the vault will open up.

Mermaid's Hideaway Ancient Vault
See the vault’s location on your map:

Treasure Vault on Kraken’s Fall (Shark Vault Key)

The shark awaits in lonely rocks near twin palms, beneath the great rock spine of the island

On Kraken’s Fall, the Treasure Vault is located underneath the island’s main archway on the North West side of the island.

Head to the North side of this archway near the bay and you’ll see shark paintings nearby.

While the vault entrance is near the shark rock paintings, you’ll have to walk a little bit to the East towards some rocks nearby. These rocks will have the lock for the vault on them.

Kraken's Fall Ancient Vault
See the vault’s location on your map:

Treasure Vault on Fetcher’s Rest (Eagle Vault Key)

The eagle perches in a glowing cave near the island’s central arch

You’ll find this Treasure Vault on Fetcher’s Rest in the caves found in the middle of the island. North West of the volcano will be a Southern entrance to the caves. You can also enter from the North side if you choose.

Head on in and next to the large anchor sitting against the cave wall will be rock paintings of eagles. If the previous Treasure Vaults have taught us anything, it is that an Eagle Vault Key will eventually be used as a key to open this vault up.

Fetcher's Rest Ancient Vault
See the vault’s location on your map:

Treasure Vault on Ashen Reaches (Sun Vault Key)

The sun sets against rocks within the island’s north west tunnel

You’ll find the Treasure Vault on Ashen Reaches on the North side of the island. Just next to the Scarecrow found on the middle level of the island will be a small tunnel entrance. Follow this tunnel down to find rock paintings of suns. On the opposite side of the rock paintings will be the lock.

If our assumptions are right, a Sun Vault Key will be used some time in the future to open this Treasure Vault.

Ashen Reaches Ancient Vault
See the vault’s location on your map:

Now that you know how to find your Treasure Vault, do you think you are ready to complete the time-based challenge that lies ahead?

If you’d like a crash course on Treasure Vaults then check out our Treasure Vaults and Treasure Vault Puzzle guide here! This guide will prepare you to take full advantage of the Treasure Vault as you race against the clock.

The guide also contains the solution to the Treasure Vault puzzle. Solving the puzzle will reveal the hidden Chest of Ancient Tributes!

Treasure Vaults
Click the image to visit the guide!

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To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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9 thoughts on “Sea of Thieves: Treasure Vault Locations”

    1. We haven’t had a voyage yet that has taken us to the Devil’s Roar. If the two that exist there ever get used, we will be sure to update the article!

    1. It’s not possible to purchase the new voyage from the Gold Hoarder in the Devil’s Roar. We just tried now to double check and the voyage isn’t offered.

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