
Sea of Thieves

Traps Guide

updated as needed

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If you want to add another layer of defense to your ship or hope to surprise an unsuspecting crew as they deliver their treasure, you’ll want to have a few Traps at your disposal.

These spring-loaded tools of destruction will snap shut on any poor pirate who steps on one. And if you have the time and resources, you can add some extra firepower to each one for a nasty surprise!

What is a Trap?

A Trap is a type of Throwable you can throw down on flat surfaces that deal damage with a brief limp to any pirate who steps on one. Once deployed, you can Disarm the Trap or enhance it with additional effects, including extra damage! You can even bury Traps, making them harder for unsuspecting pirates to avoid!

When you throw a Trap on a flat surface, it unfolds and becomes active. When active, the Trap is armed and ready! Anyone can trigger a Trap, including the pirate who placed it! Traps without loaded items deal about 25 damage to any pirate who steps on one.

So, if you, a crewmate, other pirates, or other enemies walk over the Trap, it will snap shut, dealing damage and a brief limp. The limp lasts about four seconds.

Traps are single-use, and you can only deploy up to two traps simultaneously. If you throw down more than two Traps, the oldest Trap you threw will disappear. All Traps look the same, so you can’t decipher between Traps set by you, your crew, or other pirates.

Traps will stay active in the Sea of Thieves for as long as other items you can pick up, such as Chests, Skulls, and Crates.

Setting Trap

How do you use a Trap?

First, select the Trap from your Throwables in your Item Radial. Once you have equipped a Trap, you can throw it down. You’ll need to be mindful of where you want to throw your Trap. Traps have a much shorter range than other Throwables like Firebombs and Blunderbumbs.

You can throw Traps down on almost any flat surface, from islands to ships, including other crew’s ships. However, you cannot place Traps inside Taverns on Outposts. Not being able to place Traps in Taverns is to prevent pirates from a rude awakening upon entering the Sea of Thieves.

If you try to throw a Trap somewhere you can’t, it will self-destruct on impact. You also can’t place Traps in deep water. However, you can set them in shallow water, preventing them from being easily seen.

If you are keen to place them on your ship, you can place Traps by your ship’s Resource Barrels, at the top of your ship’s ladders, and even in the crow’s nest. Just remember where you placed them so you don’t trigger them yourself!


Where can you find Traps?

You can find Traps in various Storage Containers throughout the Sea of Thieves, such as Resource Barrels, Rowboats, and Storage Crates. Traps are about as rare as Firebombs to find.

You can hold up to five Traps. However, they share the same inventory as Firebombs and Blunderbombs. So, if you already have four Firebombs on you, you can only pick up one Trap.

How do you disarm a Trap?

You can only Disarm a Trap when you are Crouched. To Disarm the Trap, Crouch and slowly approach it until you see the prompt to Disarm it. You can then hold down the Interact button until the Trap is Disarmed.

If you have space in your inventory, you will pick up the Trap and any item loaded into it, allowing you to use it. It is important to note that you cannot Disarm buried Traps.

If you don’t have time to Disarm the Trap, you can also damage it to trigger the Trap and remove it. Destroying the Trap by damaging it will also trigger the loaded item if it has one.

Disarm Trap

How do you load the Trap?

Once you’ve deployed a Trap, you can add an item to the Trap’s Loader to enhance it. When the Trap is triggered, the item you’ve added to the Loader will activate the item’s effect.

The items you can load to Traps are:

  • Firebombs
  • Blunderbombs
  • Green Cursed Cannonballs
  • Bone Callers
  • Fireworks
  • Flares

To add an item to the Trap’s Loader, approach the Trap while crouched and interact with the prompt for the Loader. You’ll then see your inventory and the Trap’s inventory. Choose the item you want to add. You can swap out what is in the Loader if you change your mind or remove an item. However, you can only add one item to the Loader, so choose wisely!

If you choose a Firebomb or Blunderbomb, the Trap will inflict additional damage from the Firebomb or Blunderbomb on top of the damage from the Trap.

A loaded Trap can also trigger nearby Traps after a short delay, causing a chain effect.


How do you bury a Trap?

You can partially bury a Trap placed on dirt, grass, or sand with your Shovel. While you cannot entirely bury a Trap, you can bury it enough to make it hard to see from a distance.

Buried Traps deal the same amount of damage and have the same proximity radius. You cannot load a buried Trap, so you must dig it up to add an item.

Bury Traps

To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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2 thoughts on “Sea of Thieves: Traps Guide”

    1. Even though the Commendation says enemies at the moment, we’ve only had it work on pirates. Not sure what the intention is, but it will not unlock on Skeletons as of today.

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