Glitterbeard Journal

Sea of Thieves

The Legend of Glitterbeard—Who he was, What this Legend means to us, and Where to find his Journals

updated as needed

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In this article we will be guiding pirates to journal locations for The Legend of Glitterbeard. However, before we send you out on your journey, there is some background information we feel is important to share.

In March of 2020, Rare lost a beloved crewmate. On this one-year anniversary of his passing, Rare is sharing a moving memorial with the Sea of Thieves community: The Legend of Glitterbeard.

Given its deeply personal nature, we are committed to only publishing information in accordance with Rare’s wishes for what they hope this experience will be.
To that end, we have been—and will continue—creating Glitterbeard resources only in close consultation with the good folks at Rare to ensure that anything we create honors and supports both Rare and The Legend of Glitterbeard.

One way Rare hopes the community will engage with The Legend of Glitterbeard, is through sharing the experience in real time, or in sharing how they enjoyed the experience or what the experience has meant to them.

While we hope that guiding pirates to these journals will help facilitate these experiences, we’d like to do a bit more in this article to uphold the spirit of sharing in this experience.

With that in mind, we’d like to share how we experienced these lovingly crafted writings.

We should probably begin with at least a bit of background.

The Legend of Glitterbeard

The Legend of Glitterbeard is inspired by a man named James White—or ‘Jim.’

It seems that Jim exhibited a particularly noteworthy dedication to the players—a genuine passion not only for creating and welcoming pirates into this world, but also for ensuring that this world was a haven, where pirates could fully experience the magic therein.

With the introduction of The Legend of Glitterbeard, you can now find journals that Glitterbeard has left behind—journals which keep this passion alive.

Embodying this passion—along with Jim’s kindness and compassion—Glitterbeard is a selfless guide to pirates throughout the seas.

Sharing our Experience: How Glitterbeard’s Journals Offer so Much More than We’d Hoped

The journals chronicle Glitterbeard’s adventures. In reading along, we wouldn’t be surprised if pirates see themselves in Glitterbeard, or remember similar adventures or discoveries—particularly back when they first set sail.

The journals are also filled with pearls of wisdom. In fact, they are an excellent primer to the Sea of Thieves.

However, amidst the adventure stories and pearls of wisdom, we found something far more valuable: an opportunity to view the seas through Glitterbeard’s eyes.

You’ll see why this world meant so much to him, we think you might also remember more reasons why this world means so much to you.

Glitterbeard’s journals offer a perspective on life in the Sea of Thieves. Once adopted, it is a perspective that inevitably and effortlessly makes the most of every moment at sea.

Sadly—even for the most devoted Old Salts in these seas—it can be all too easy to lose this perspective. Even worse, new pirates might miss out on this perspective entirely.

It’s actually quite understandable.

Stressors in the outside world often wear us down into a rather joyless, rote task-completion mindset. That’s lamentable when it comes to our jobs or our personal responsibilities. It’s tragic when it comes to our escape.

That is why we feel that these journals offer something so valuable.

These journals offer an opportunity to reconnect with the joyous magic that lives in every adventure on the Sea of Thieves.

Honoring and Supporting this Memorial

As we mentioned at the outset of this article—because The Legend of Glitterbeard is so near and dear to its creators—we have been in close consultation with Rare to ensure that we are only publishing the information Rare is comfortable with us publishing, when they are comfortable with us publishing it.

As such, we have been given Rare’s blessing to publish a guide on the journal locations. However, this guide will not contain the text of those journals, and this guide will not disclose the location of the final journal.

Instead, we hope that pirates will enjoy uncovering those texts and discovering that final journal in the world.

If, after some time, Rare feels comfortable with us disclosing that final journal location, we will add it.

As for the other journal locations—we hope the remainder of this guide will help you on your way, as you explore this touching tribute.

The First Glitterbeard Journal

The first Glitterbeard journal you will discover, naturally or while on the hunt, will most likely be the My Maiden Voyage journal.

My Maiden Voyage

A book safe and snug inside, near mirth and music…

You can find the My Maiden Voyage journal in the Tavern of any Outpost on the Sea of Thieves. The journal is lying on a bench inside the Tavern just next to the entrance door. While there are multiple copies of this journal in the various Taverns, you only need to read one for this commendation.

Reading the My Maiden Voyage journal will also unlock the Glitterbeard Sail! You will find them immediately after reading the journal in the Ship Customization Chest.

My Maiden Voyage

Glitterbeard Journals in The Shores of Plenty

There are a total of four different Glitterbeard journals in The Shores of Plenty region.

In Good Company

A book discovered by a pirate seeking shelter and Sanctuary…

You can find the In Good Company journal on Sanctuary Outpost. Head to the beach on the South side of Tavern and look for a flipped-over rowboat. The journal will be lying on the ground next to the rowboat.

In Good Company
See the journal’s location on your map:

Actions and Words

A book sleeping near the cart of an exhausted Smuggler…

You can find the Actions and Words journal on Smuggler’s Bay. Head to the middle of the bay. On the beach, you will see some broken barrels, a hanging lantern, and bamboo logs. The journal is lying on the sand underneath the hanging lantern.

Actions and Words
See the journal’s location on your map:

Lost and Found

A book at the mouth of a cave, lost upon a wanting moon…

You can find the Lost and Found journal on Crescent Isle. Head to the large tunnel at the center of the island. If you enter the tunnel from the East, you’ll find the journal laying on a rock next to the cooking spot and resource barrels on your right.

Lost and Found
See the journal’s location on your map:

It Never Rains

A book upon the shore at the four bridged islands…

You can find the It Never Rains journal on Port Merrick. Head over to the North West beach of the Port. You’ll find the journal lying on a rock next to two broken rowboats just South of the dock.

It Never Rains
See the journal’s location on your map:

Glitterbeard Journals at The Reaper’s Hideout

There are a total of two different Glitterbeard journals found on The Reaper’s Hideout.

An Unexpected Outcome

A book on a pier, near where masked secrets lurk and linger…

You can find the An Unexpected Outcome journal on The Reaper’s Hideout. Head to the South side of the island to find the journal on the Southern dock.

An Unexpected Outcome
See the journal’s location on your map:

A Strange Voyage

A book on a rock, gazing out over Death’s domain…

You can find A Strange Voyage on The Reaper’s Hideout. It is lying on the ground near a large boulder just outside the main Reaper’s Bones structure.

From the Reaper’s Bones structure, walk North over the small bridge and go immediately West towards the dock. Before you reach the dock, you should see the journal lying on the ground to your right near a large rock boulder. There is also a sketch placed on the large rock boulder you are looking for.

A Strange Voyage
See the journal’s location on your map:

Glitterbeard Journals in The Ancient Isles

There are a total of 11 different Glitterbeard journals in The Ancient Isles.

Soul Searching

A book at a camp, where plundering pirates made their home…

You can find the Soul Searching journal on Plunder Outpost. It is lying on the sand near the beach camp found just outside the Equipment Shop on the Outpost. You’ll find it laying at the foot of a rowboat and paddle sticking out of the sand near the Cooking Spot.

Soul Searching
See the journal’s location on your map:

My First Gold

A book at the heart of a tiny island to the far south…

You can find the My First Gold journal on Booty Isle. Head to the middle of the island and you’ll find the journal on top of one of three Resource Barrels grouped together.

My First Gold
See the journal’s location on your map:

Making Music

A book left behind at a Hunter’s old camp…

You can find the Making Music journal on Shark Bait Cove. The journal is leaning against some buckets in Merrick’s old fishing camp located on the island’s South West outer ring.

Making Music
See the journal’s location on your map:

Head in the Clouds

A book waiting to be discovered, near a mighty ridge…

You can find the Head in the Clouds journal on Discovery Ridge. Head to the Western most side of the island to find a shipwreck. Near the shipwreck will be a small camp where the journal is.

Head in the Clouds
See the journal’s location on your map:

Our New Home

A soggy book lurks at a great, round island to the west…

You can find the Our New Home journal on Plunder Valley. It is lying in the water at the base of the waterfall just underneath the giant eagle-shaped peak found on the island’s West side. You’ll find it just next to the wooden bridge at the foot of the waterfall.

Our New Home
See the journal’s location on your map:

Flags of Friendship

A book cast away by a pirate who’d had too much to drink…

You can find the Flags of Friendship journal on Castaway Isle. It is lying on the sand on the Northern side of the island next to some broken rum bottles.

Flags of Friendship
See the journal’s location on your map:


A book gazing upon the open sea, near to a faithful friend…

You can find the Reunion journal on Stephen’s Spoils. It is sitting on a wooden stool on the dock near Merrick.

See the journal’s location on your map:

Fleets of Flame

A book perched crookedly atop a steep slope, high overhead…

You can find the Fleets of Flame journal on Crook’s Hollow. Head to the island’s highest level and find the cannon on the South West cliff that faces out West. You’ll find the journal lying on top of a Resource Barrel next to the cannon under the shade of a large tree.

Fleets of Flame
See the journal’s location on your map:

A Tavern of Legends

A book in the greenery, where elysian waters bubble forth…

You can find the A Tavern of Legends journal on Paradise Spring. Head to the center of the island where you will find a small pool of water. On a rock ledge that surrounds the water will be the journal.

A Tavern of Legends
See the journal’s location on your map:

Shopping and Supplies

A book that waits upon the edge of a heavy, bladed weapon…

You can find the Shopping and Supplies journal on Cutlass Cay. Head to the North side of the island and you will find the journal on a rock next to two Resource Barrels.

Shopping and Supplies
See the journal’s location on your map:

Easy Come, Easy Go

A book in the beach shelter of one who sought safe harbour…

You can find the Easy Come, Easy Go journal on Thieves’ Haven. Head to the East side of the island to find a shipwreck on the beach. Inside the hull of the shipwreck will be the journal lying on the ground.

Easy Come, Easy Go
See the journal’s location on your map:

Glitterbeard Journals in The Wilds

There are a total of three different Glitterbeard journals in The Wilds.

A New Flag to Fly

A book waiting where pirates who speak sharply come to rest…

You can find the A New Flag to Fly journal on Dagger Tooth Outpost. It is lying on the ground in the beach camp in the bay of the Outpost. You’ll find the beach camp just in front of the Gold Hoarder Trading Company representative.

A New Flag to Fly
See the journal’s location on your map:

Wrecks of the Lost

A book near where an old lantern still burns faithfully…

You can find the Wrecks of the Lost journal on Old Faithful Isle. It is located near a set of Resource Barrels on top of the large arch at the island’s center.

Wrecks of the Lost
See the journal’s location on your map:

Feathered Friends

A book waits where a mighty ship crests twin peaks…

You can find the Feathered Friends journal on Galleon’s Grave Outpost. It is sitting on top of a Resource Barrel on the West side of the Outpost’s Southern dock.

Feathered Friends
See the journal’s location on your map:

The Last Glitterbeard Journal

While you can read the journals in any order, The Legend of Glitterbeard journal will most likely be the last one you find. Once you find and read the last Glitterbeard journal, you will unlock the very special Glitter Beard and the Glitterbeard Cannon Flare.

The Legend of Glitterbeard

Carry on the Legend

The 22nd and final journal is hidden well. You’ll need to decipher the clues from the previous journals to find its location!

Sharing the Experience

As we mentioned above, this is an experience which Rare hopes pirates will enjoy sharing among family, friends, crewmates, and your fellow pirates.

If you’d like to share your experiences with us and any fellow pirates who’ve stumbled onto this article, we would be honored to read them in the comments below.

To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

Share yer Findings

Follow Along

To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

Share your Findings

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Jot down yer email, and we’ll be sure to let ye know when there’s something new on the horizon.

15 thoughts on “Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Glitterbeard Journal Locations Guide”

  1. Captain Kittie

    Of all the storylines in SoT, this is my favorite and I doubt will ever be topped. It really did do what it sought to, and made me remember why I love the game so much. It took me to islands I had forgotten since I don’t do much PVE, and brought back memories of when I first started playing.

    The journals gave such a lovely recount. Finding the final one was chaotic, reaching it was magical, and reading it was emotional.

    Everyone really did a great thing in remembering Jim. May he rest in peace and freedom, be remembered by those who knew him, and known now by those who didn’t. I could really feel how much love went into this memorial.

    I can’t wait to meet other pirates on the sea who are trying to work this out and help them, and share in their wonder as they discover and learn The Legend of Glitterbeard.

  2. Wow what an experience. Managed to alliance 3 other sloops from all over Europe organically. They came to help us do a fleet and from then we met two other ships. We did a Fort of Fortune then after battling with a brig who tried to steal our treasure. We met up at the final location and completed glitterbeard memorial. What an amazing day. Language barries were not a problem. We worked together to get it done and remember Jim

    1. Amir Abdollahi

      You’ll need to go to the Treehouse that he mentions in his journals 🙂 If you don’t mind, we can email how to go about doing that if you need some help. Don’t want to spoil it here 😉

  3. I’m sorry, for a game that promotes PvP, and since 90% of the time you can’t get near another boat without them wanting to dumpster you, this was the most ridiculous thing to achieve. We got very lucky and formed a five boat alliance on a sever, but these kind of alliances are few and far between, and it took us three attempts to finally get it! We lost an hour of playing time for this ridiculous event.

    1. Did you even read the article? I haven’t taken the time to scout for all of the entries, but it is clear that you should only do this type of quest when you have nothing to lose. If you have no interest in the lore (or in this case, a memorial made by Rare to honor one of their loved ones), why did you embark in such voyage?

    2. I couldn’t agree more. For a game filled with toxic jerks with a four-player limit, this requirement is entirely unacceptable. If they lowered the requirement to four-player maximum AT LEAST then it wouldn’t be so bad.

      1. It has an 8 people requirement, because Rare wanted to make sure pirates outside of their comfort zone will engage into a friendly relationship with others, and show how beautiful this game can be, when you enjoy your time with completely new people. This is a truly wonderful memorial, and we had the time of our lives with 3 of my friends and 2 random Sloops (of 2 people each) from the server.

        1. Unfortunately Rare didn’t succeed with this. While you may have had a good experience The majority of other players are unfortunately not so lucky. Ask most other people and they’ll tell you that the only response a random person will give you is sinking you. The vast majority of people who do get glitter beard usually get it by spiking a server not by meeting new people.

  4. over the last year I have hunted down pirates and befriended them in an alliance and have done the glitter beard experience many of times, it is a very awesome thing to do and I enjoy sharing the experience with them. Just yesterday I held a event and had three sloop groups (all new PS5 players) and my group on a gally all got together and done it. They were all very appreciative that we would help them get such a hard to get commendation. The game isn’t always about sinking ships

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