Pirates in the Sea of Thieves have been able to wield the power of fire with the Ashen Winds Skull, the power of sound with the Siren Skull, and now the power of wind with the Horn of Fair Winds.
The Horn of Fair Winds is another powerful tool you can use during your adventures. Whether you use it offensively to shorten the distance between you and a fleeing foe or defensively to push would-be boarders off your ladder, the Horn of Fair Winds is handy for various piratical situations.
Horn of Fair Winds
The Horn of Fair Winds is a magical Siren treasure that summons the power of wind and creates massive gusts of air. You can use it to blow wind into ship sails, knock enemies back, extinguish fire, and more.
You’ll need to use the horn wisely. The Horn of Fair Winds has a limited charge. When you use it, you slowly deplete its charge until it is empty and no longer creates gusts of air. However, it will not lose its value, and you will receive the same amount of Gold when sold, whether full or depleted.
Like a Trident of Dark Tides, you can see how much charge is left by how bright the spikes on the horn are glowing. The Horn of Fair Winds currently has about one minute and 40 seconds of charge.
Like other treasures, you will lose the Horn of Fair Winds when you dive using the Quest Table or Hourglass.

How do you use the Horn of Fair Winds?
While holding the Horn of Fair Winds, hold the Right Trigger or Left Mouse Button to use it. You will bring the horn to your mouth and blow gusts of air out in your facing direction.
You can use the Horn of Fair Winds for offensive and defensive tactics. From boosting your ship speed to blowing away boarding pirates, you’ll want to always keep a Horn of Fair Winds on you!
Increase ship speed
For starters, you can use the Horn of Fair Winds to blow a massive gust of air into any ship’s sail, providing full billow and boosting the ship’s speed. Combining the wind from the world and the wind from the horn can increase a ship’s top speed. You can use the horn on more than one sail at a time or disperse multiple horns across multiple sails to maximize your ship’s full potential.
You’ll know you are providing extra wind to the sails as you’ll see extra rippling in the sails.
Extinguish fire
While using the Horn of Fair Winds to catch up to a crew or escape from one is handy, you can also use it to quickly extinguish flames. Point the horn at any fire and blow to watch it disappear.

Knockback enemies
You can also use wind from the horn to blow back enemies, including pirates, skeletons, and other foes who stand in your way! However, you’ll have to be mindful of your own crew, as the wind affects them, too!
While you can use the horn to push back enemies, you cannot use it to push treasure.
Propel rowboats through water
With the Horn of Fair Winds, you can move a rowboat without its oars. Stand on the front or back of the rowboat, face away from the direction you want to go, and use the horn to blow wind and push the rowboat. Turning the angle of the horn will even turn the rowboat as it glides through the water.

Propel pirates through water
Not only does the Horn of Fair Winds move rowboats in water, but it also moves pirates in water. You can propel yourself through the sea by using the Horn of Fair Winds in the opposite direction you want to travel.
Prevent damage from falling
If you happen to be on a high peak while holding a Horn of Fair Winds, you can quickly jump down without taking any damage by blowing the horn at the ground as you descend. The wind will push you away from the ground, cushioning your blow.
Where can you find the Horn of Fair Winds?
You can only find the Horn of Fair Winds in Siren Treasuries or randomly in emergent shipwrecks and Siren Shrines. You cannot find a Horn of Fair Winds by using the Quest Table to reach a shipwreck, Siren Shrine, or Siren Treasury.
Finding a Horn of Fair Winds in a shipwreck is rare but possible. However, you have a much higher chance of finding one in a Siren Shrine’s treasure room or a Siren Treasury’s vault.

Where can you sell the Horn of Fair Winds?
You can sell the Horn of Fair Winds to any Trading Company except the Athena’s Fortune. The Horn of Fair Winds is worth about 1,000 Gold.
Similar to the Skull of Siren Song and Ashen Skull, you can use the horn without diminishing its value.

3 thoughts on “Sea of Thieves: The Horn of Fair Winds”
The Horn of Fair Winds – “Once you find one, it will always appear in the Shrine or Treasury on that server after every cooldown. So, if you discover one in the Shrine of Tribute, you can leave and return in about 20 minutes to find it again after completing the Shrine.”
That’s incorrect. I tried few times every 20 minutes and it spawned only at first time.
Aye, sorry about that. In a recent update they changed how the spawning works. We will update the article.
The spawn rate has been increased as of this week