Bone Caller

Sea of Thieves

The Bone Caller

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The next time you need to even the odds in any skirmish, you can call in reinforcements to fight on your behalf with the Bone Caller! With the power of the Bone Caller, you can summon skeletal sidekicks to fight on your behalf. Whether you want more allies to take down a Skeleton Lord or need help defending your ship from fearsome boarders, the Skeletons summoned by the Bone Caller are at your service!

The Bone Caller

The Bone Caller is a mystical Throwable that can summon a friendly Skeleton Crew upon impact on almost any surface. Your summoned Skeleton Crew can consist of up to three Skeletons and will attack any nearby enemies, including pirates, Skeletons, Phantoms, and Ocean Crawlers.

The Skeletons summoned by the Bone Caller can only attack with the weapons they are holding. They cannot fire cannons, revive you, bucket water from your ship or repair it. The Skeletons mainly consist of Cutlass-wielding skeletons. However, one can also carry a Flintlock or Blunderbuss. They will never drop Gold or Ammo Pouches, so don’t expect to find anything from them upon their demise.

The Skeletons also act independently of their owner. You cannot command them, and they will not follow you around. Instead, they will stay in the general area they appeared until they spot a foe to attack.

Skeletons fighting Ocean Crawlers

Similar to your crew, your skeleton friends will have green names above their heads. Skeletons belonging to another crew will have red names above their heads, so you can quickly tell them apart. You also can’t harm your summoned skeletons, so don’t worry about accidentally killing them when you join them in a fight.

You cannot summon multiple Skeleton Crews by using more than one Bone Caller at a time. If you use another Bone Caller, the newer Skeleton Crew will replace the older one.

However, multiple Skeleton Crews can exist at once, so each person in your crew can use one, or you can use a Bone Caller against another crew’s Bone Caller.

You can hold up to five Bone Callers at once, but they share inventory with Firebombs and Blunderbombs.

Summon Skeletons

How do you use the Bone Caller?

To use the Bone Caller, you can throw it like a Firebomb or launch it from a cannon like a Cannonball. The Skeleton Crew from the Bone Caller will spawn near the impact point.

You can use the Bone Caller on almost any piece of land and any ship, including Skeleton Ships. However, you cannot use it in water.

You can use the Bone Caller to help aid you in a fight against an Ashen Lord or protect you as you try to deliver a Skull of Siren Song. Since you can shoot them at ships, you can potentially distract a rival crew with a Bone Caller long enough to give you the edge in a fight.

You might even throw one on your ship to help with potential boarding pirates! However, the Skeleton Crew cannot hunt down hiding pirates for you.

If you are in an emote that hides your Gamertag, the Bone Caller Skeletons cannot find you.

While you’ll need to be mindful of other crews using a Bone Caller against you, you’ll also need to watch out for Skeleton Ships, which can use the Bone Caller on you!

Bone Caller skeletons on ship

Where can you find the Bone Caller?

You can find Bone Callers in Resource Barrels on Skeleton Forts, in Shipwrecks, and inside Storage Crates dropped by defeated Skeleton Ships from the Skeleton Fleet World Event. While discovering them in any Resource Barrel across the Sea of Thieves is possible, you have a higher chance of acquiring them at Skeleton Forts, Shipwrecks, and the Skeleton Fleet World Event.

Remember that the Bone Caller is a rare resource, so you have a very low chance of finding one, similar to Cursed Cannonballs.

Bone Caller in Resource Barrel

How long does the Skeleton Crew last?

The Skeletons summoned by the Bone Caller will be active for 60 seconds. After 60 seconds, they will naturally despawn if they are still alive.


The Skeletons summoned by the Bone Caller will honor any Alliances you formed and will not attack Alliance members. That means that you and Alliance can spawn their own Skeleton Crews to cause major damage!

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To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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