The Flame Rises as Captain Flameheart takes his rightful place at the Reaper’s Hideout. His flagship, the Burning Blade, sails from Skeleton Camp to Skeleton Camp, gathering Ancient Knowledge as he sits upon his throne. What he plans to do with these long-forgotten secrets remains to be seen. However, while we wait for his nefarious plans to come to fruition, pirates can aid Flameheart in his mission or take a stand against the biggest threat to sail the Sea of Thieves!
The Burning Blade World Event
The Burning Blade is a multi-phase roaming World Event that allows you to battle the largest in the Sea of Thieves and even take it over as your vessel during your sailing session.
A giant beacon of swirling red flames radiates from the Burning Blade at all times, making it easy to spot on the horizon. You can also locate the World Event from your Map Table, as the Burning Blade will be visible to all pirates on the map.
Other World Events, including Skeleton Forts, Forts of Fortune, Ashen Lords, Skeleton Fleets, and Ghost Fleets, cannot occur while the Burning Blade World Event is active. However, Megalodons and emergent Skeleton Ships can still spawn!
For more on the Burning Blade World Event, check out our dedicated guide here!

Skeleton-Controlled Phase
During the first phase of the World Event, the Skeleton-Controlled phase, you’ll have to engage in naval combat against the Obsidian Skeleton crew in command of the Burning Blade. The Burning Blade is bigger than a Galleon, has ten cannons, and is immune to fire. If that isn’t challenging enough, you’ll also have to contend with the Ashen Roar, a forward-facing weapon that shoots two giant fireballs.
Once you defeat the Burning Blade, the ship will drift in the water for a short period, waiting for a decision. You can either sink the ship and end the World Event or pledge your crew to the vessel and take command of the Burning Blade. Pledging your crew will progress the World Event to the second phase, the Player-Controlled phase.
To pledge your crew to the Burning Blade, you can interact with the table in the ship’s Captain’s Cabin. Once you vote to pledge your crew, your current ship will scuttle, and the Burning Blade will become your new ship for the rest of your session.

Player-Controlled Phase
As the crew of the Burning Blade, you must complete Rituals at Skeleton Camps to add Ancient Knowledge to the ship and increase the ship’s value. To perform a Ritual, you must solve a Constellation Puzzle inside the Ancient Temple below the Skeleton Camp. Once you solve the puzzle, you can interact with an Orb of Secrets and complete the Ritual.
As you sail to Skeleton Camps with the Burning Blade, you’ll have some help commanding the hulking warship with an Obsidian Skeleton crew of your own. The friendly Obsidian Skeletons can repair holes, shoot cannons, and attack any rival crews who board your ship.
You can complete as many Rituals as you want. The more Rituals you complete, the more Gold and Reputation you’ll receive when you finally return the ship to Flameheart. You’ll add 26,000 Gold to the ship’s value for each Ritual.
When ready, you can deliver the Burning Blade to Flameheart at the Reaper’s Hideout. Upon handing the Burning Blade over, you’ll receive a certain amount of Gold and Reputation corresponding to the number of Rituals you completed.

Skeleton Camps
Skeleton Camps are small fortifications built by Flameheart’s Obsidian Skeletons above Ancient Temples. They provide a small raid experience for pirates to battle Obsidian Skeletons, solve Constellation Puzzles, and perform Rituals.
There are six Skeleton Camps across the Sea of Thieves, two in each of the original regions. You can easily spot them on the horizon by looking for their large towers billowing fire and smoke or find them marked on the Map Table.
While the crew of the Burning Blade must visit the Skeleton Camps to perform Rituals in the Ancient Temples below, all crews can take on the Skeleton Camps to acquire an Orb of Secrets. However, instead of completing the Ritual for Flameheart and adding the Ancient Knowledge from the Orb of Secrets to the Burning Blade, you will stop the Ritual and prevent Flameheart from gathering more Ancient Knowledge.
Stopping the Ritual will allow you to take the Orb of Secrets and sell it to a Trading Company for 20,000 Gold.
To learn even more about Skeleton Camps, take a look at our in-depth guide here!

Constellation Puzzle
Each Ancient Temple has a Constellation Puzzle to open a Temple Crypt upon completion. Inside the Temple Crypt is an Orb of Secrets where you can complete or stop a Ritual.
To solve the Constellation Puzzle, you must find and draw three specific Constellations using the Stargazer, Wheel, and Star Chart. The Constellations you need to find and draw are on the row of three Spinning Blocks above the Temple Crypt door.
To find the Constellations, you can shine the Stargazer over groups of stars in the Star Chart. Shining the stars will reveal Constellation patterns. The pattern will show you the exact stars that form the Constellation.
Once you find the Constellation you want to draw, you can hold down the Right Trigger or Left Mouse Button to switch the Stargazer to Focus mode. In Focus mode, you can shine the stars in the pattern to form the Constellation.
While in Focus mode, shine the Stargazer over each star that belongs to the Constellation’s pattern until you complete the pattern. Completing the pattern will solve the Constellation.
Once you solve the three Constellations, you will complete the puzzle and open the Temple Crypt door to reveal the Orb of Secrets.
For even more details on how the Constellation Puzzle works, check out our complete guide here!

Blade of Souls
The Blade of Souls is a unique cutlass that lights any foe it touches on fire. However, unlike loadout weapons, you can pick up and drop the Blade of Souls like a piece of treasure.
Since it acts like treasure, you can also sell the Blade of Soul to the Gold Hoarders, Order of Souls, Merchant Alliance, and Reaper’s Bones. You can also sell it to the Mysterious Stranger if you are a Pirate Legend.
You can only find the Blade of Souls during the Burning Blade World Event, as it is the reward for sinking the Burning Blade. The Blade of Souls is worth half of the Burning Blade’s worth. So, if the Burning Blade completed four Rituals, the Blade of Souls is worth half of whatever the crew of the Burning Blade would have earned from delivering it to Flameheart.

There are dozens of cosmetics for you to earn from sailing the Burning Blade, raiding Skeleton Camps, completing Rituals, and stopping Rituals.
In the Weaponsmith Shop, you can find the Obsidian Bone Crusher weapon set. You must work on the ‘Secretive Stash’ commendation to unlock these pieces by selling the Blade of Souls burning with three or more Rituals.
In the Clothing Shop, you can find the Obsidian Bone Crusher clothing set. You can unlock these pieces by working on the ‘Contended Constellations’ commendation.
In the Shipwright Shop, you can find two Ship sets, the Obsidian Bone Crusher and Burning Blade Reborn ship set.
To unlock the Obsidian Bone Crusher ship pieces, you must work on the ‘Sizzling Sinker’ commendation by sinking Player-Controlled Burning Blades.
To unlock the Burning Blade Reborn ship pieces, you’ll need to work on the ‘Feeding the Fire’ commendation by reaching a streak of four Rituals while in command of the Burning Blade.
The Bonesmith also has a dozen cosmetics corresponding to the Burning Blade World Event. From the Obsidian Bones to the Obsidian Shattered Mask Skull, you’ll need to work on the Flame Rises set of commendations and rise the Servants of the Flame ranks.