Mimic Dart

Sea of Thieves

Mimic Dart Guide

updated as needed

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While disguising yourself as a chest or Resource Barrel is a great way to sneak past your enemies, your limited movement can prevent you from reaching your full potential as a master of mischief.

However, if you have a Blowpipe equipped, you can use the powerful Mimic Dart to take your sneaky shenanigans to the next level!

What is the Mimic Dart?

The Mimic Dart is a unique Dart for the Blowpipe that can temporarily transform your appearance to impersonate any pirate, Skeleton, Skeleton Captain, or Skeleton Lord for two minutes.

Shooting the Mimic Dart at a target will mimic their cosmetic appearance, including body, clothing, and other distinguishing features. However, the Mimic Dart only works on pirates, Skeletons, Skeleton Captains, and Skeleton Lords. You cannot mimic more powerful enemies like Ocean Crawlers, Phantoms, and Ashen Lords.

Mimic Dart

How does the Mimic Dart work?

When you shoot a valid target, a brief transformation effect will appear around you as you change your appearance. While your appearance won’t change from your first-person perspective, it will change for everyone else.

Even though you can’t see that your hands and arms have changed while mimicked, you’ll know that you are actively under the effect of the Mimic Dart as a blue, glowing haze will border your vision. You can also see your mimicked appearance when you use an Emote.

Unlike Disguises, while mimicking a pirate or skeletal foe, you can interact with the world, helm a ship, receive damage, and deal damage. However, you cannot interact with the Clothing Chests or Vanity Chests.

Mimicking Pirates

When you Mimic a pirate, whether from your crew or another crew, you will transform to match their body type, hair, clothing, rings, and scars. While you will retain your actual name in the Nameplate above your head, the color will change to match the affiliation of the pirate you shot.

So, if a pirate from another crew mimics one of your crew mates, their Nameplate will still show their name but appear green, giving the illusion that they are on your crew. And if you mimic a pirate from another crew, their crew mates will see your Nameplate as green, allowing you to blend in easily.

Shoot pirate

Chaining the Mimic effect

It is also possible to chain the effect of the Mimic Dart by shooting a pirate who is already mimicking another target. Chaining the Mimic Dart between two or more pirates can allow you to keep the Mimic effect infinitely. There is also no limit to how many pirates can mimic a single pirate, so you can have up to several crews all looking the same!

Mimicking Skeletons

Mimicking a Skeleton will allow you to sneak amongst other Skeletons as long as they are not already hostile toward you. They will continue to ignore you until you attack one of them. Mimicking a Skeleton Captain will have the same effect as mimicking a Skeleton, but it will also turn your Nameplate red to match.

Remember that you can only trick Skeletons and Skeleton Captains. Skeleton and Ashen Lords will see through your transformation and immediately attack you.

Mimic Skeleton Captain

Stopping the Mimic effect

If you want to stop the effects of the Mimic Dart before the two-minute timer, you can shoot another Mimic Dart at any solid surface you can’t mimic. So, shoot the ground, a rock, or a ship to return to normal.

Don’t worry if someone destroys your Mimic Dart or the target you’ve used the Mimic Dart on dies. You will still retain their appearance in either case. However, if you die, you will lose the effect of the Mimic Dart as soon as you step foot on the Ferry of the Damned.

Using Emotes

You can even use Emotes under the effects of the Mimic Dart. However, you can’t use every Emote. You can only use a default set of Emotes that works for all pirates, Skeletons, and Skeleton Lords. Once the Mimic effect ends, you will regain access to all your Emotes.

To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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1 thought on “Sea of Thieves: Mimic Dart Guide”

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    Thanks in advance for your answer.
    Take care, MewMew

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