While there are several World Events, the Fort of the Damned is the only World Event that pirates can activate. Once activated, pirates must battle through waves of Shadows of Fate until they face off against the all-mighty Ghost of Graymarrow!
In the past, smaller crews have had a much more challenging time slashing through foes at the Fort of the Damned. Luckily, recent changes to the fort will allow all pirates to focus on their combat skills and agility rather than their endurance.
Skeleton Wave Changes
Firstly, the number of Shadows of Fate you fight each wave dynamically scales to the number of pirates storming the Fort of the Damned. If someone joins or leaves in the middle of the fight, the next wave will adjust to the new number of pirates. So you can expect to fight fewer Shadows of Fate with a small group and more Shadows of Fate with a larger group!
Not only does the number of Shadows of Fate change depending on the number of pirates engaging with the fort, but so does their health. So you can expect to kill the Shadows of Fate quicker if you play with fewer pirates.
You can also expect to only fight one color of Shadows of Fate per wave instead of a mix of colors.
Captain Waves
Previously, there were only Skeleton Waves and the final wave with the Ghost of Graymarrow. Now, you will encounter two waves of Shadow Captains. The number of Shadow Captains that spawn depends on the number of pirates at the fort.
Expect to fight two to five Shadow Captains on the 7th and 14th waves.
Ghost of Graymarrow Changes
The damage players do to the Ghost of Graymarrow scales to the number of pirates actively engaged in the fight. So if you take on the Ghost of Graymarrow by yourself, you will do more damage than if you were in a crew of four. So effectively, a single pirate can now take down the Ghost of Graymarrow just as quickly as a group of four pirates damaging him simultaneously. This change to damage should make the experience feel the same for everyone.
The number of Shadows of Fate the Ghost of Graymarrow spawns also depends on the number of pirates at the fort.
Fort Changes
The fort itself has changed, adding more fruit to Resource Barreles, an extra Ammo Chest, and a Weapon Chest!
2 thoughts on “Sea of Thieves: Changes to the Fort of the Damned World Event”
FoTD of the dammed
They added some new music after the first captain wave as well!