The Burning Blade World Event not only introduced the most powerful ship to sail the Sea of Thieves but also introduced one of the most formidable weapons: the Blade of Souls! Not only can you sell this fiery cutlass to any Trading Company for Gold and Reputation, but it also sets any foes you attack with it ablaze!
The Blade of Souls
The Blade of Souls is a unique melee weapon that can knock back and set pirates, Skeletons, and other foes on fire.
However, the Blade of Souls’ ability to set other players on fire is not infinite, and it will lose its fiery power after a certain number of hits.
The Blade of Souls behaves like a loadout Cutlass so you can slash, block, and lunge with it.
Unlike loadout weapons, the Blade of Souls is an item you can pick up and drop, similar to a piece of treasure. It also appears on all crew’s Map Tables and has a red beacon of swirling lights above it.
Since it is like a piece of treasure you can pick up and drop, you’ll need to watch out for crews trying to steal it!
You can also sell the Blade of Souls to any Trading Company for a variable amount of Gold.

How to get the Blade of Souls
You can only find the Blade of Souls during the Burning Blade World Event. To acquire it, you must sink the Burning Blade. Sinking the burning Blade will reward you with the sword, among other pieces of high-value treasure.
However, if you or another crew hands in the Burning Blade to Flameheart at the Reaper’s Hideout, the Blade of Souls will not appear. You must sink the Burning Blade to receive the Blade of Souls.

How much is the Blade of Souls worth?
The Blade of Souls is worth half the value of the Burning Blade, which depends on the number of Rituals completed by its crew.
So, if the Burning Blade completed one Ritual, its value would be 26,000 Gold. With the Burning Blade at one Ritual, the Blade of Souls will be worth 13,000 Gold.
You can see how many Rituals the Burning Blade has completed on the Map Table. The Blade of Souls will also have an indicator that lets you know how many Rituals a crew has finished with it.
You can’t imbue the Blade of Souls with more Rituals after the Burning Blade has sunk.

Where can you sell the Blade of Souls?
You can sell the Blade of Souls to the Gold Hoarders, Order of Souls, Merchant Alliance, and Reaper’s Bones. If you are a Pirate Legend, you can also sell it to the Mysterious Stranger.
However, if you are the crew of the Burning Blade when the Burning Blade sinks, you can only sell the Blade of Souls to the Reaper’s Bones. Being able only to sell it to the Reaper’s Bones prevents you from purposefully sinking your ship to sell an expensive Blade of Souls to another Trading Company.