The Lair of LeChuck Memoir Spots

Sea of Thieves

All Memoir Spots in The Lair of LeChuck Tall Tale

updated as needed

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There are a total of ten memoir spots you need to find during The Lair of LeChuck Tall Tale. While finding the memoir spots is not necessary to complete the Tall Tale, they are required to find so you can complete every commendation and earn the LeChuck’s Portrait trinket.

You can find seven of the ten when you step foot on Monkey Island. However, you must first collect every Golden Monkey Idol to find the remaining three.

An inkwell marks each memoir spot, so be on the lookout for those during your hunt!

Memoir Spot in front of the gate to Stone Monkey Head

Make your way to Guybrush in front of the gate leading to the Monkey Head on the island’s East side. Just across from Guybrush is a large red rock near an inkwell you can sit on. Sit on the rock to take in the view at this memoir spot.

Memoir Spot overlooking the swamp

Make your way to the east beach by the Sea Monkey. On the South side of the swamp’s water outlet is a large tree with massive roots. On one of the roots is an inkwell. Sit on the root to take in the view at this memoir spot.

Memoir Spot in front of the banana tree

Make your way to the south beach below Hermans’ Camp. Just South of the banana tree are some crates and an inkwell. Sit on one of the crates to take in the view at this memoir spot.

Memoir Spot in jungle

Make your way to Herman’s Camp on the island’s South side. From the camp, walk North and take a left just before the bridge over the ravine. Take another left, and you’ll find yourself in a dense part of the jungle. Just beneath a giant dead tree is a rock next to an inkwell. Sit on the rock to take in the view at this memoir spot.

Memoir Spot near riverbed

Make your way to the riverbed on the island’s North side. The riverbed is just below the tallest peak on the island. Before the bridge that leads to footholds up the mountain is a grouping of shaded red rocks next to an inkwell. Sit on one of the rocks to take in the view at this memoir spot.

Memoir Spot near Primitive Art

Make your way up the footholds from the riverbed up the mountain to the Primitive Art. Just next to the Primitive Art is a rock and an inkwell. Sit on the rock to take in the view at this memoir spot.

Memoir Spot on ledge

Make your way past the Primitive Art to the top of the mountain. At the top will be a cliff and a nearby inkwell. Sit on the cliff to take in the view at this memoir spot.

Memoir Spot in front of Stone Monkey Head

After you have collected the three Golden Monkey Idols and retrieved the Cotton Swab Key, you can walk past the gate to the Monkey Head. A crate and inkwell is just to the right of the clearing in front of the Monkey Head. Sit on the crate to take in the view at this memoir spot.

Memoir Spot near entrance of catacombs

Make your way through the mouth of the Stone Monkey Head and climb down the Rib Cage. On the right side of the landing in the catacombs are a patch of mushrooms and inkwell. Sit on one of the mushrooms to take in the view at this memoir spot.

Memoir Spot in front of LeChuck's Ghost Ship

Make your way through the catacombs using the Head of the Navigator. You will eventually reach the end of the catacombs where LeChuck has docked his Ghost Ship. Overlooking the ship is a rock ledge and inkwell. Sit on the rock ledge to take in the view at this memoir spot.

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To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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