The Burning Blade roams the Sea of Thieves, waiting for a worthy crew to pledge themselves to Flameheart and take command. As the crew of the Burning Blade, you can sail the hulking warship and do with it as you please. Whether you hunt down rival crews or complete Rituals at Skeleton Camps, the crew of the Burning Blade has the most powerful ship in their control!
How to pledge your crew to the Burning Blade
You can pledge your crew to the Burning Blade during the Burning Blade World Event after you’ve defeated the Obsidian Skeleton Crew that controls the Burning Blade. Once you’ve defeated the Burning Blade, you can either continue to damage and sink the ship or go to the ship’s Captain’s Cabin and pledge your crew.
You’ll know you’ve defeated the Burning Blade as it will emit a giant fiery red pulse and drift in the water for ten minutes until it sinks. You’ll also receive a notification that you’ve defeated the ship. Just because you defeated the Burning Blade doesn’t mean it is yours. You’ll need to be quick to pledge your crew, as another crew can beat you to it!
To pledge your crew, go to the Captain’s Table in the Burning Blade’s Captain’s Cabin and interact with the table. You’ll vote to crew the Burning Blade.
Only one crew can pledge to the Burning Blade. So, if another crew has already pledged to the Burning Blade, you can only sink the ship and retrieve the Blade of Souls.