Every pirate on the Sea of Thieves has come across at least one cursed chest. From the Chest of Rage to the Chest of a Thousand Grogs, each one bears a unique attribute that will make sailing the sea a little more interesting. However, the Legendary Search for Cursed Treasure voyage introduced a new cursed chest to the sea that will make you think twice before allowing it on your ship!
The Chest of Boundless Sorrow
The Chest of Boundless Sorrow is an extremely rare cursed chest. You can only find the Chest of Boundless Sorrow during the Legendary Search for Cursed Treasure voyage.
The Chest of Boundless Sorrows carries a more powerful curse than the Chest of Sorrow, causing it to weep continually. This constant waterfall of tears makes it much more challenging to transport.
The Chest of Boundless Sorrow is worth about 6,500 gold. You can sell it to The Gold Hoarders or The Reaper’s Bones.