Herman's Chest

Sea of Thieves

How to get Herman's Chest Key in The Lair of LeChuck Tall Tale

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One of the many puzzles you’ll need to solve during The Lair of LeChuck Tall Tale is unlocking Herman’s Chest. To do so, you’ll need to acquire Herman’s Chest Key, which he keeps guarded on his person. Getting the key from Herman is no simple task! You must capture Herman in one of his Monkey Traps to acquire it.

How do you get Herman's Chest Key

Herman keeps the key to his chest on him. You can’t pickpocket him to get it. Instead, you’ll need to capture him with a Monkey Trap and shake his key loose. However, you’ll need to find some bait before you can set the Monkey Trap.

If you speak to Herman, you’ll discover that a monkey in the jungle loves Chilled Banana Soup. You can get some from Herman’s Supply Cache in the Ravine. Unfortunately, Herman has locked the Supply Cache, so you’ll need to find the Supply Cache Key first.

Find Supply Cache Key

Pick up Herman’s Note from the crate across from Herman and read it from your Quest Book. Herman has hidden the key in one of four animal carvings in the jungle. Walk North out of the camp and take the loop around the jungle, inspecting each animal carving until you find the key.

Use Animal Carving

Open Supply Cache

Once you find the key, you can take the ladder into the Ravine and open the Supply Cache. Pick up a Chilled Banana Soup from the chest inside the Supply Cache and return to Hermans’ Camp.

Open Supply Cache

Set Monkey Trap

Pour the Chilled Banana Soup into the Monkey Trap and wait for a monkey to drink the soup. Herman will get frustrated that the trap didn’t work and walk over.

Pour Chilled Banana Soup

Once Herman stands in the Monkey Trap, interact with the end of the rope near the crate, spring the trap, and capture Herman.

Spring Monkey Trap

Open Herman's Chest

Once you’ve caught Herman and he is dangling upside down, interact with the rope attached to the trap next to the tied log until Herman’s Chest Key falls to the ground. Pick it up and open the chest to find Herman’s Rowboat Map.

Gently tug Monkey Trap

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Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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