Skeleton Captains

Sea of Thieves

How to do the They Work for Me Now Commendation

updated as needed

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One of the many commendations you can complete while you create mischief across the Sea of Thieves is the ‘They Work for Me Now’ commendation.

To complete the commendation, you must persuade enemies to destroy their Captain using a Lure Dart.

You’ll want to sail or dive to the nearest A Bounty for a Skeleton Captains Voyage to start working on this commendation!

They Work for Me Now

To complete the ‘They Work for Me Now’ commendation, you must persuade enemies to destroy their Captain using a Lure Dart 25 times.

A Captain is an enemy with an orange Nameplate above their head, making them easier to pick out from a crowd of Skeletons or Phantoms. They also have more health and deal more damage than regular foes.

While you can work on this commendation with emergent Skeleton Captains that you find randomly on islands, we found voting for the Bounty for Skeleton Captains Voyage much more reliable. Emergent Skeleton Captains often don’t have other Skeletons nearby, and the Bounty for Skeleton Captains Voyage will take you to three Skeleton Captains you can use.

A Bounty for Skeleton Captains

Bounty for a Skeleton Captains

Once you reach the island with the Skeletons Captains for your Voyage, clear the first waves until you progress to a wave with one or more Skeleton Captains. As you make your way through the waves, try to save any Ammo Pouches that the Skeletons drop for the Captain waves, as they will come in handy when you need to restock your Lure Darts.

Shoot a Skeleton Captain with a Lure Dart and wait until two or three other Skeletons start to damage it. You only need to shoot one Lure Dart at a time. The Skeletons will destroy the Lure Dart before they destroy the Skeleton Captain, so it will take a few Lure Darts to have one Skeleton Captain killed by other Skeletons. However, you can always speed up the process by damaging the Skeleton Captain until they start eating Bananas.

Skeleton Captains

The Lure Dart will only attract two to three Skeletons at a time, so you’ll still need to deal with other Skeletons in the wave. Try to keep Skeletons with Cutlasses around, as they are the best for consistently damaging Skeleton Captains. Having the other Skelton Captains help destroy the Skeleton Captain with a Lure Dart is also helpful, as they can do considerable damage and are less likely to die.

Once a Skeleton or other Skeleton Captain kills the Skeleton Captain that you are stuck with a Lure Dart, you will progress the commendation.

They Work for Me Now

Sea Forts

If you are not having much luck with the Bounty Voyages, you can always try having the Phantoms at Sea Forts kill the Phantom Captain on the final wave. The Captain of the Fortress will also count for this commendation.

Captain of the Fortress

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To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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2 thoughts on “How to do the They Work for Me Now Commendation in Sea of Thieves”

    1. Are you doing the Voyage with the three Skeleton Captains? The one that just leads to one would sometimes not count for us.

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