Disarm a Trap

Sea of Thieves

How to Disarm a Trap

updated as needed

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Knowing how to Disarm a Trap can get you out of various precarious situations. Whether you accidentally misplaced your Trap or need to get past a Trap set by an enemy, Disarming the Trap is your best solution. Not only will you silently pick up the Trap, but you can keep the Trap for yourself if you have room in your inventory!

Diarm a Trap

To Disarm a Trap, you must be Crouched. You cannot Disarm a Trap while you are standing. Once you find a Trap you want to Disarm, slowly approach it while Crouched until you see a prompt to open its Loader or Disarm it. Hold down the Button or Key to Disarm the Trap until it’s gone. If you have room in your inventory, you will store the Trap for yourself. And if it is loaded, you will even pick up the loaded item if you have space!

If you don’t have time to Disarm the Trap, you can always damage it to get rid of it. However, damaging the Trap will trigger it and any loaded item. It could make a lot of noise and give away your position.

A pirate can only throw two Traps at a time, so if you find one to Disarm, another might be nearby!

It is important to note that you cannot Disarm buried Traps. If you want to Disarm a buried Trap, you’ll need to dig it up first.

Disarm Trap

To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

Want to keep a weather eye out?

Jot down yer email, and we’ll be sure to let ye know when there’s something new on the horizon.

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