Shrine of Flooded Embrace

Sea of Thieves

Shrine of Flooded Embrace Guide

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The Shrine of Flooded Embrace is one of the six Shrines found in the Sunken Kingdom. Inside this Shrine, you will find it littered with shipwreck debris. The shipwreck debris comes from a fearsome ship battle that once took place above the Shrine. The pirate ships that met an ill fate sunk below the water and breached the Shrine, filling it with water.

As the vessels crashed into the Shrine, they scattered the treasure they held throughout the Shrine. As you explore, you are bound to find some of this forgotten loot that you can claim as your own!

The deeper you venture into the Shrine, the more abundant treasure you can find. But, unfortunately, there will also be fewer options for air, so you’ll have to use your oxygen wisely.

This guide will walk you through the Shrine, step by step, showing you how to solve the puzzles, uncover each secret, and read every journal found within the Shrine.

You will unlock the Shrine of Flooded Embrace and Mystery of the Shrine of Flooded Embrace commendations if you follow along.

Don’t forget to store any treasure you find along the way in the Sunken Merfolk Statues!

The Shrine of Flooded Embrace: Step by Step

Step 1: Sail to the Shrine of Flooded Embrace

You can find the Shrine of Flooded Embrace in The Wilds just South of Dagger Tooth Outpost. You can locate it on your Map Table at the coordinates N12.

As you sail closer to the Shrine, you will spot purple and blue lights swirling into the sky. These lights help indicate the exact location of the Shrine below the water.

Park your ship within the lights and dive into the water!

Step 2: Enter the Shrine of Flooded Embrace

Once you arrive above the Shrine of  Flooded Embrace, swim down to the top of the Shrine.

Where is the entrance to the Shrine of Flooded Embrace?

You can find the entrance to the Shrine of Flooded Embrace at the top of the Shrine.

Near the top of the Shrine, you will see a shipwreck. Swim through the rear window of the Captain’s Cabin of the shipwreck to enter the Shrine.

Step 3: Collect Treasure and Journals

There are no real puzzles to solve or an exit to reach in this Shrine. Though, there is lots of treasure to collect and five journals to read! We will walk you through finding all five journals as you explore the Shrine of Flooded Embrace.

Be sure to store any treasure you find along the way with the Treasure Mermaid Statue!

Journal 1

Swim inside the Captain’s Cabin and open the door in front of you before gaining access to the Shrine.

Swim through the door and keep swimming straight forward, hugging the deck of the shipwreck, and then swim up into the hull. Inside the hull, you will find an air pocket you can walk around in and find a journal near some yellow coral. Read the journal to uncover your first secret. The name of this journal is ‘1. Shrine of Flooded Embrace’.

Journal 2

From the first journal, exit the shipwreck hull facing South. You will see another shipwreck just in front of you. Swim underneath the shelf the shipwreck is lying on and look up. You’ll find a closed brig door leading into that shipwreck. Open it up to find the next journal. The name of this journal is ‘2. The Sirens’.

Journal 3

Exit the brig and swim straight down. Just below you, about halfway down the shrine, on the South Side of the chamber, is a pink Coral Orb and a Siren Window barrier.

Damage the Coral Orb and swim past the Siren Window to a giant air pocket on the other side. You’ll find supplies, a Sunken Merfolk Statue, lots of treasure, and a journal laying on some wooden debris across from the statue. Read the journal to uncover the next secret. The name of this journal is ‘3. Mermaid Gems’.

Journal 4

Exit the room with the third journal and swim straight down. On the South West side of the chamber, directly below the room you were just in, will be another piece of shipwreck covered in plants and coral with an Undersea Vent inside of it.

Laying on top of the shipwreck is the following journal. Read it to uncover the fourth secret. The name of this journal is ‘4. Siren Gems’.

Journal 5

The fifth journal is at the bottom of the Shrine. You’ll find it on the Northside by the shipwreck at the bottom of the Shrine. It is sitting next to some bright coral plants.

For reference, it is on the other side of the shipwreck opposite the Coral Plinth that can hold the Breath of the Sea. The name of this journal is ‘5. A Great Battle’.

Where is the Breath of the Sea in the Shrine of Flooded Embrace?

You can find the Breath of the Sea in the Shrine of Flooded Embrace in at the very bottom of the Shrine on the North side.

The Breath of the Sea will only be there if you are on an active Coral Message in a Bottle voyage that leads you to this Shrine.

To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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