One of the many commendations you can complete while you take on the Burning Blade is the ‘Secretive Stash’ commendation.
To complete the commendation, you must sell a Blade of Souls burning with three or more Rituals twenty times.
Progressing the ‘Secretive Stash’ commendation will unlock various Obsidian Bone Crusher weapon cosmetics. Once you’ve unlocked the cosmetics, you can purchase them from any Weaponsmith.
Secretive Stash
To complete the ‘Secretive Stash’ commendation, you must sell a Blade of Souls burning with three or more Rituals twenty times.
You can only find the Blade of Souls during the Burning Blade World Event. To acquire it, you must sink the Burning Blade. Sinking the Burning Blade will reward you with the sword. However, you want to ensure you are sinking a Player-Controlled Burning Blade that has completed at least three Rituals for the commendation.
By checking your Map Table, you can quickly tell if the Buring Blade is Player-Controlled and how many Rituals they’ve completed. If the Burning Blade has an icon of a Skeleton Camp below it with at least a number three, then you want to sink the ship and get the Blade of Souls.
If the Burning Blade doesn’t have an icon of a Skeleton Camp below it, it is still Skeleton-Controlled and will not give you the Blade of Souls you need for the commendation. You’ll want to wait for someone else to defeat and pledge to the ship.
If you come across the Blade of Souls that you didn’t produce from the Burning Blade, you can check how many Rituals it has by reading the tooltip when looking at it. You can’t add Rituals to the Blade of Souls after the Burning Blade sinks.

Where can you sell the Blade of Souls?
You can sell the Blade of Souls to the Gold Hoarders, Order of Souls, Merchant Alliance, and Reaper’s Bones. If you are a Pirate Legend, you can also sell it to the Mysterious Stranger.
However, if you are the crew of the Burning Blade when the Burning Blade sinks, you can only sell the Blade of Souls to the Reaper’s Bones. Being able only to sell it to the Reaper’s Bones prevents you from purposefully sinking your ship to sell an expensive Blade of Souls to another Trading Company.