Many famous pirates reside in the Athena’s Fortune Hideout. From the Pirate Lord himself to Legendary Liz, the hideout’s Shipwright. Another renowned pirate who resides in the Pirate Legend’s exclusive lair is Legendary Louise.
While her spectral form resides in the Athena’s Fortune Hideout, her final resting place is deep beneath the sands.
You can learn more about her story and even pay your respects to her final resting place by visiting the Ancient Temples below the Skeleton Camps throughout the Sea of Thieves.
Legendary Louise's final resting place
You can find Legendary Louise’s final resting place inside the Ancient Temple below Blind Man’s Lagoon. Her skeleton is in the Temple Crypt, which you can only open after solving the Constellation Puzzle.
After you solve the Constellation Puzzle and dispatch any Obsidian Skeletons guarding the crypt, you can enter the crypt and approach the skeleton lying against the stairs. Interact with the skeleton to pay your respects, complete the ‘Lost Legend’ commendation, and unlock the ‘Family is the Real Treasure’ Trinket.
After you’ve unlocked the Trinket, you can purchase it from any Shipwright for 25,000 Gold.