One of the most significant accomplishments a pirate can achieve in Sea of Thieves is the status of Pirate Legend. Reaching Pirate Legend is a challenging task! You’ll need to collect and successfully sell piles of treasure to the resident Trading Companies that have set up camp in the Sea of Thieves.
Once you’ve sold enough loot to reach Reputation Level 50 with three different Trading Companies, the Pirate Lord will find you worthy of the title and promote you to a mighty Pirate Legend!
Can you become a Pirate Legend in Safer Seas?
There are limitations to earning Reputation in Safer Seas. The most significant restriction is that you cannot progress your Reputation Level with any Trading Company past 40.
Reaching Reputation Level 50 in three different trading companies is not possible in Safer Seas, so becoming a Pirate Legend in Safer Seas is not possible. If you want to achieve the status of Pirate Legend, you’ll need to venture out into the contested waters of the High Seas.
However, Reputation Level 40 is about halfway to 50, so you can make a lot of progress towards reaching Pirate Legend in Safer Seas. By the time you hit 40 in three different Trading Companies, you should be ready to tackle the wild High Seas and reach the finish line!

Safer Seas
If you want to learn more about what you can accomplish in Safer Seas compared to High Seas, check out our detailed guide here!