Stan's Office Key

Sea of Thieves

How to steal Stan's Office Key in The Quest for Guybrush Tall Tale

updated as needed

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One of the many puzzles you must solve during The Quest for Guybrush Tall Tale is how to steal Stan’s Office Key. While it might initially seem simple, you’ll soon realize it is more complex than just getting him to walk out of sight to the end of the dock. You’ll need to do much more before you lock him inside a cupboard, allowing you to steal the key!

How to steal Stan's Office Key

To steal Stan’s Office Key, you must persuade him to get inside the nearby cupboard. Once he is inside, you can lock him inside and then grab the key. However, you’ll first need to ask about all his vessels, help Meathook capture The Beast, and talk to Stan about his high-quality furnishings before you lock him inside the cupboard.

Speak with Stan

Find Stan at Stan’s Previously Owned Vessels and ask him about the four vessels in his shipyard: the Grog Rowboat, The Vociferous Carmichael, The Black Pearl, and the Headless Monkey. You can ask him about the ship by interacting with the white wooden sign beside each.

Ask Stan about vessel

After Stan tells you about all four vessels, meet him at the front of his office. Talk to him again and choose the last dialogue option, asking about the cheapest ship.

After he tells you about pricing, choose the new fourth dialogue option, asking who purchased the Headless Monkey. He will inform you that Meathook, who lives on Hook Island, owns The Headless Monkey.

To get the Bill of Sale for the ship from Meathook you’ll need to help Meathook capture The Beast!

Who purchase the Headless Monkey?

Speak with Meathook

Head over to Meathook on Hook Island. Approach Meathook and talk to him after he tells you about The Beast. Choose the last dialogue option, saying you are there about the Headless Monkey. Meathook will give you the Bill of Sale if you help him capture The Beast.

I'm here about the Headless Monkey

Capture The Beast

Follow Meathook’s instructions to capture The Beast. After you recover The Beast and place it in its cage, Meathook will give you the Bill of Sale. He will add it to your Quest Book.

Speak with Stan

Return to Stan and tell him you have the Bill of Sale. Stan will then try to get you to purchase extra customizations for your ship. Talk to him about each customization until you prompt him to enter the cupboard. Once hs is inside, you can lock him in it.

Lock Captain's Wardrobe

Steal Stan's Office Key

With Stan locked in the cupboard, you can freely steal Stan’s Office Key. Don’t forget to push Stan into the ocean to unlock the ‘Stantastic Voyage’ commendation!

Steal Stan's Office Key

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