Reaper's Bones

Sea of Thieves

How to get the Reaper's Bones Skeleton Curse Cosmetics

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Reaching Reputation Level 100 with the Gold Hoarders, Merchant Alliance, Order of Souls, and Athena’s Fortune will grant you access to purchase a costume representing that Trading Company. However, the Reaper’s Bones don’t have an equivalent costume. Instead, progressing to Reputation Level 100 with the Reaper’s Bones will unlock Reaper’s Bones-themed Skeleton Curse cosmetics!

Reaper's Bones Skeleton Curse Cosmetics

There are four Reaper’s Bones Skeleton Curse cosmetics that you can purchase from The Bonesmith: the Reaper’s Bones Masked Skull, Reaper’s Bones Skull, Reaper’s Bones Upper Body, and Reaper’s Bones Lower Body.

To unlock them, you must reach a Reputation of 100 with the Reaper’s Bones and participate in the Ritual of Flame by reaching an Allegiance of 100 with the Servants of the Flame.

Once you meet the requirements, you will unlock the cosmetics and can purchase them from The Bonesmith in the Reaper’s Lair.

The Reaper’s Bones Skull and Masked Skull cost 100,000 Gold, the Reaper’s Bones Upper Body costs 150,000 Gold, and the Reaper Bone’s Lower Body costs 150,000 Gold.

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