There are lustrous new trinkets to find throughout the Sea of Thieves. One of the most elusive and valuable is the Crown of Hope. However, you won’t find one of these kingly trinkets during a Voyage or in the hull of a Skeleton Ship. Instead, you’ll want to distract yourself with a less obvious journey to find one!
Crown of Hope
The Crown of Hope is a rare Kingly treasure you can discover randomly in the Sea of Thieves. Specifically, you can find Crowns of Hope from Riddle Quests in Messages in a Bottle.
However, you are not guaranteed to find a Crown of Hope, but it is the only place you can. So, if you are lucky, you can pick up a Message in a Bottle and hope you get a Riddle Quest that leads you to a Crown of Hope.
Messages in a Bottle are random appearances throughout the Sea of Thieves.
To find a Message in a Bottle, scan the beaches of every island you pass and look for a green colored bottle sticking out of the sand. You can also find them inside emergent shipwrecks. The Message in a Bottle can contain several types of Quests. If you are looking for a Crown of Hope, you want a Riddle Quest that leads you to an island where you’ll need to solve riddles that lead to a Treasure Chest filled with three!
If you get an X Marks the Spot Quest instead, you can follow that to find a King’s Chest! X Marks the Spot Quests from Messages in a Bottle will direct you to an island with several Xs to dig up. One of them could be a King’s Chest worth about 3,100 Gold!

Crown of Flame
The Crown of Flame is an Ashen variant of the Crown of Hope, and you can only find it in The Devil’s Roar. To find one, you must pick up a Message in a Bottle in The Devil’s Roar that contains a Riddle Quest. The Quest will lead you to a chest filled with Crowns of Flame.
How much is a Crown of Hope worth?
Crowns of Hope are worth about 3,100 Gold and Ashen Crowns of Flame are worth about 3,800 Gold. You can sell Crowns of Hope to the Gold Hoarders, Reaper’s Bones, or the Sovereigns.