Trail of Treasure-Huntery

Sea of Thieves

How to do the Trial of Treasure-Huntery Commendation

updated as needed

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One of the many commendations you can complete during The Quest for Guybrush Tall Tale is the ‘Trial of Treasure-Huntery’ commendation. You can start working on the commendation as soon as you arrive at Mêlée Island during this Tall Tale.

If you need help completing the rest of The Quest for Guybrush Tall Tale, check out our entire walkthrough here.

If you are just looking to complete ‘Trial of Treasure-Huntery’, your first step is to clear the fog from Mêlée Island!

Trial of Treasure-Huntery Commendation

To complete the Trial of Treasure-Huntery commendation, you solve four treasure maps. You can start working on the first Treasure Map you purchased from Citizen of Mêlée as soon as you clear the fog.

Equip your Quest Book and flip to the last two pages with the Treasure Map. You must follow five steps on the map, “Do the Monkey!”, through the forest to discover the treasure.

Do The Monkey!

You’ll start at the Forest entrance to the East of Lookout Point. Walk through the two dead trees and take your first right. You’ll cross a log bridge until you come to another intersection. Turn left so you face East by North East and walk until you reach a camp.

Walk past the camp across another log bridge until you reach the grove of yellow flowers. Walk to the torch, and you’ll find a wooden sign with an apparition of Guybrush digging nearby. Dig where Guybrush is to find your first chest!

Open the chest to find your next treasure map to follow. Pick up the Directions of Legendary Treasure-Huntery and flip to the new pages in your Quest Book.

The Legendary Monkey Pt. 1

Similar to the first Trail of Treasure-Huntery map, there are five steps you need to follow before you can dig up the treasure. This map will take you around the forest to a fishing camp.

Make your way back to the forest gate. Once you are there, face West, and you will see the artist’s shack. Walk towards it and then face North toward the lantern pole. Walk toward the lantern pole and turn right once you reach it. Keep walking until you find the fallen soul, a scarecrow, on your left.

In front of the scarecrow are blades pointing to a wagon. Head to the wagon and walk through the two dead giant trees across the path.

Walk down the hill to the fishing camp and dig at the end of the fishing rod on the table. You’ll dig up your second chest with more directions inside. Pick them up to add the following treasure map to your Quest Book.

Do The Legendary Monkey Pt. 1

The Legendary Monkey Pt. 2

Just like the first two maps, there are five steps you need to follow before you can dig up the treasure.

Walk back up the hill and through the two dead trees. Instead of returning the way you came, face East by South East down the path you have yet to take. Walk down that path until you reach a small, bumpy bridge. Walk over the bridge and continue South until you get to a tree with a lantern.

Take the path to the right, the side where the lantern hangs from the tree, and continue walking South. You will eventually walk to a small grouping of trees with a camp in the middle.

From the camp, Face South West and walk towards the lantern pole with the bright lights behind it. At the lantern pole, turn right to the West, where you will see a large tree. Approach the tree to find a heart carved into it.

Dig at the tree’s base to discover another Chest of Treasure-Huntery. Pick up another Directions of Legendary Treasure-Huntery and flip to the new pages in your Quest Book.

Do The Legendary Monkey Pt. 2

The Legendary Monkey Pt. 3

One more time, you must follow five steps to dip up the treasure!

From the tree with the carved heart, walk southwest to the zipline that crosses the water. Use the zipline, and you will land behind Captain Smirk’s house. Once you’ve reached the other side, equip your Spyglass and look down over Stan’s Previously Owned Vessels. You will find six triangle flags strung by a rope.

Walk past Stan’s Previously Owned Vessels to the North until you get to a bridge and some fish skeletons. Use the nearby lever to lower the bridge if you haven’t already.

Walk across the bridge and to the broken cart on your left. From the cart, turn right so you are facing South East. You should see a burning torch through a shallow rock tunnel.

Walk through the rocks toward the light and dig at the base of the torch. You will discover the Golden Chest of Legendary Treasure. Open the chest and pick up the Trophy of Legendary Treasure-Huntery.

Corina will appear through a small portal when you pick up the trophy. Giver her the Trophy of Legendary Treasure-Huntery, and you unlock a Checkpoint and the ‘Trial of Treasure-Huntery’ commendation.

Do The Legendary Monkey Pt. 3

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To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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