Skeleton Ship

Sea of Thieves

How to do the Hangin' on the Skelly Bone Commendation

updated as needed

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One of the many commendations you can complete while you make mischief on the Sea of Thieves is the ‘Hangin’ on the Skelly Bone’ commendation.

To complete the commendation, you must travel a distance while hanging on a Skeleton Ship.

You’ll want to dive to a Skeleton Fleet Raid Voyage to start working on this commendation immediately!

Hangin' on the Skelly Bone

To complete the ‘Hangin’ on the Skelly Bone’ commendation, you must travel 500 meters while hanging on a Skeleton Ship. You can hang on a Skeleton Sloop or Skeleton Galleon, and the Skeleton Ship can also be part of a World Event or an emergent one you find randomly at sea.

Before searching for your Skeleton Ship, ensure you have a Blowpipe equipped. You’ll need to use its Lure Darts to successfully hang from the Skeleton Ship without being knocked off.

Once you find your Skeleton Ship, you’ll want to board it and use several Lure Darts on the ship to distract the Skeletons while you find your hanging spot. You’ll want to fire several on the ship’s mast, above the Skeleton’s reach, so they can’t quickly destroy it.

Skeleton Ships have most of the same hanging points as their pirate counterparts. Once you find a hanging point, Crouch and interact with the “Hang from Ledge” prompt to jump over the side and hang on.

If you are on a Skeleton Sloop, you’ll want to hang from the ledge between the cannon and stairs to the helm. The Skeleton wielding an Eye of Reach from the crow’s nest will have difficulty shooting you there.

If a Skeleton with an Eye of Reach is in the crow’s nest and is giving you grief, you can use the Black Powder Dart to dispatch it.

Once you stop hanging, you will receive credit for the commendation, so expect your progress to increase after you climb back on or drop.

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To the Tavern!

Aye, we pirates do love a good tavern. ‘Tis a place to share our findings and adventures. ‘Tis a place to clap each other on the back. ‘Tis a place to glean further insight.

Happily, we’ve found proverbial taverns on several social outposts—each bustling with a vibrant pirate community! Want to join in the merriment? Ye will always find a hearty welcome at our table!

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